Montengarde 12th Night


Hosted by Device of Montengarde

The Barony of Montengarde (Calgary, AB)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Tayaha the Wanderer
Date: January 15 , 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on January 15th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Marlborough Community Hall
636 Marlborough Way NE Calgary, AB T2A 2V9

It is with great pleasure that the Barony of Montengarde invites you to the Twelfth Night celebrations of their Excellencies Hero the Responsible and Malabar Membro Spaccata. The day will be filled with pageantry, amusements, fabulous food, and a good time to be had by all. Come and participate in or watch all of the best of the society. A&S, Rapier, Archery, Heavy Combat, Ithra classes, games, Bardic and Belly Dance competition, and a feast for all times. This day will also include the deciding of the new A&S and Rapier champions for our great Barony.

As in previous years we are collecting items for the food bank. Everyone is encouraged to help in whatever way they can.

Merchants welcome. Contact Lady Li Xia for more information. Please note due to limited space, tables will be on a first come basis.

The Archery Tournament will be taking place off site at The Calgary Archery Centre (4855 47th Ave, S.E.). The Archery Range will open at 9:00 for registration and warm up. The shoot will begin promptly at 9:30am.

For more information on Ithra Classes contact Master James d’Oleans (403) 280-2796,, 82 Hawkwood Rd, N.W. Calgary, AB T3G 2J1



· Adult $5.00

· Child 14 and under ½ price

· Babes in arms free


· $15 / feast seat (this is separate from and does not include site

· Child – 14 and under ½ price

Off-board seating will be available (on-board and off-board people cannot sit at the same table)

NMS of $4 will be in effect.

Make cheques payable to MSCA.

Pre-paid tickets are REQUIRED for the feast by January 7, 2005. This year we are reserving tables of 6 on a first come basis. Those wishing to reserve a table for their group, please indicate this when paying for your ticket. Please note that all 6 people must have paid prior to reserving the table.

For more information on the event or feast or to book your feast ticket
please contact the Event Stewart.

Where: Calgary Marlborough Community Hall
636 Marlborough Way NE, Calgary, AB,T2A 2V9

When: January 15, 2005

Doors open at 9am

Hall closes at midnight

SITE RULES: Allow enclosed flames only. Please note: due to City of Calgary Bylaw all smokers must smoke in designated area and not in front of main doors. This bylaw will be strictly enforced.

Timeline: (subject to change)

0900 hall opens
0900 archery begins at archery lanes
1000 Ithra Classes to begin
1030 heavy inspection
1100 heavy tourney begins
1200 archery tourney ends
1200 heavy tourney ends
1200 A&S display begins
1230 rapier inspection
1300 rapier tournament begins
1600 rapier tournament ends
1630a&s display ends
1630 Merchants clean-up
1700 feast setup begins
1800 feast begins
1930 feast ends
2000 court begins
2230 court ends?
2400 hall closes

Event Steward:
Tayaha the Wanderer
403.288.2951 (no calls after 10pm)
123 Whiteglen Cres. NE
Calgary, AB, T1Y 2Z4

Feast Steward:
William James Foxworthy

This page for event id 4034 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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