Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Fiona Finneach
Date: April 30 , 2004 until May, 2 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 30th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 2th 2004
Event site:
Noland’s Rock Ranch
99411 Marrow Road
Rosalia, WA 99170
Please come and experience the best Wealdsmere has to offer.
See our populace compete for the Baronial Championships.
Heavies, Rapier, Archery, Arts, Science, and Bardic
competitions will be held.
There will be a Baronial Stone Soup meal served Friday night,
contributions gladly accepted. We will also be holding a
variety of Ithra classes focused on the needs of our
newcomers to help them settle into our society. Merchants are
welcome with no merchant fees (please call autocrat for site
This will be a great tune up camping event for the Barony. If
you’ve forgotten something it’s only a short 3 miles to
Rosalia, and 26 miles to Spokane.
Autocrat: HLS Fiona Finnech (m.k.a. Deanna Noland), 1530 W.
Knox, Spokane, WA 99205. Call (509) 325-9548, no calls after
10:00 please. E-mail at FIONAF55@MSN.COM.
Site Info: Site address is 99411 South
Marrow Road at Noland’s Rock Ranch. Site opens at 3:00 pm
Friday, April 30th, and ends at 3:00 pm Sunday, May 2nd. Site
has no drinking water, please bring your own water. There
will be a site near by that you can fill water cans at, but
not on site. There is an undeveloped creek running through
the property, you are advised to supervise all children at
all times. Pets allowed, and must be on leashes at all times.
Only above ground fires allowed. Tikki torches will be
allowed depending upon the fire danger at the time, come
prepared with alternative lighting.
Site fees will be $5 per member over 16, $3 per member 5 to
15 years old, and babes in arms free (add $3 for
Non-members). Make checks payable to SCA, Inc., Barony of
This page for event id 3923 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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