Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Meadhbha ingean ui Brain Muilleoir
Date: October 25 , 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 25th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Newberg Masonic Lodge
402 E. Sheridan
Newberg, OR 97132
St. Crispin’s Day Shire of Mountain Edge
October 25, 2003 Newberg, OR
“And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.”
William Shakespeare Henry V
The Shire of Mountain Edge invites one and all to a day of fun. Artists are invited to display their work during the day. This is NOT for competition or Laurel comment, but for showing what is being done by artists. Sale and barter is fine. There will be a “Chess Set in Any Medium.” Contest. The evening will see a potluck feast. Feast entertainment will be a “No kidding, there I was…” war/tourney story competition. (Please make it family friendly.) The potluck contribution is determined by personna location:
British Isles – Bread/Dessert
Scandinavia – Main Dish
Continental Europe – Veggies/fruit
Outside of Europe – Side Dish
No personna – Choose one
The Shire will provide soup.
There is no site fee for this event.
Location: North Valley Friends Church
4020 North College Street
Newberg, OR 97132
Site opens: 2:00 pm. Closes: 9:00 pm.
Autocrat: Lady Meadhbha inghean Bhrain Mhuilleoir
(Sarah Beth Miller), 1308 East 9th St, Newberg, Or 97132, 503-537-1183, meadhbhabran@yahoo.com
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