Rikwulf Memorial Frostbite Tourney


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna
Date: November 15 , 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 15th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Mongolian Grill/ Event Venue
4480 South Sixth Street Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Rikwulf Memorial Frostbite Tourney November 15,2003 Lords and
Ladies join the Shire of Southmarch as we pay final tribute
to Erik Rikwulf in this the 5th and last Rikwulf Memorial
Frostbite Tourney. There will be the traditional Two Handed
Sword tourney and a prize tourney. For the enjoyment of all
gentles there will be several melee scenarios. Small
activities and game competitions await those who seek calmer
adversaries. The feast will include a food eating competition
of Rikwulf’s palatable delights. Come weave your tales of
fancy before a delighted audience by entering the Bardic
Competition. Crash space is available contact the autocrat
Merchants are Welcome to set up wares by calling the
AUTOCRAT:Fig at 541.882.2316 or figenbaum@yahoo.com Terry
Snow 1615 LLanada Klamath Falls Or. 97601 Site opens at 9 Am
and closes at midnight. Site Fees are Adult Member $10.00 Non
Member Surcharge add $3.00, Smalls 16 and under $6.00 and
Immediate Family Cap of $30.00/ $36.00 Non Member Family cap.
Make Checks payable to the “Shire of Southmarch SCA.inc” Site
Location is Midland Community Center, 101 Old Midland Rd.
Klamath Falls, Or 97603

This page for event id 3688 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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