Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Arontius of Bygelswade
Date: January 9 , 2004 until January, 11 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on January 9th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on January 11th 2004
Event site:
Red Lion Hotel, Silverdale
3073 NW Bucklin Hill Road
Silverdale, WA 98383
The Barony of Dragon’s Laire invites all to witness the crowning of the new King and Queen of An Tir at the Twelfth Night Coronation, January 9-11, 2004.
The Coronation and Royal Courts will take place at the Ocean Shores Convention Center, 120 West Chance a-la-Mer, Ocean Shores, WA 98569. Other activities at the Center include: The Masked Ball; most official meetings; Kingdom Rapier Championship; Annual Scribal Contest; a soup kitchen operating on a limited schedule and a hospitality room.
The Shilo Inn will be the Main Hotel for Twelfth Night, 707 Ocean Shores Blvd. NW. It is a short distance from the Convention Center. Activities happening at the Shilo include: Merchants; A&S Displays; Bardic Activities; Classes; and additional meeting space.
The Shilo Inn is now FULL. Please visit our web site for information on other local hotels and all other information associated with Twelfth Night, http://www.dragonslaire.org/Twelfth_Night/twelfth_night_2004.htm .
The closest available hotels include:
Quality Inn
773 Ocean Shores Blvd. NW
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
(360) 289-2040
Range: $49 – $189
Weatherly Inn
699 Ocean Shores Blvd. SW
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
(360) 289-3088
Range: $65-$150
Holiday Inn Express
685 Ocean Shores Blvd. NW
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
(360) 289-4900, (800) HOLIDAY
Range: $69-$189
The Sands
801 Ocean Shores Blvd. NW
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
(360) 289-2444
Range: $38-$205
Comfort Inn and Suites
829 Ocean Shores Boulevard
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
(360) 289-9000
Attention Artisans! Please contact the A&S coordinator, if you have a display item. We have some special displays planned for this year and want your participation! If you are a former Crown of AnTir or a member of the Order of the Laurel and haven’t heard from the A&S coordinator, please contact her ASAP: Ines de Santangel at 253-474-0821 or e-mail senyoraines@earthlink.net.
We are seeking bards of all types and skill levels to entertain at Twelfth Night. Please contact the Bardic Coordinator, THL Antonia de Galicia, antoniadg1@juno.com .
The Kingdom Rapier Championship will be fought on Sunday. This year’s format will be a standard double elimination tournament with double kills being destructive until the final rounds. All weapon styles are allowed *except* for case. Furthermore, this will be a steel-rapier only tournament. No fiberglass rapiers will be allowed. Daggers can be either steel or fiberglass. Please have your proof of membership and valid fighters authorization ready to present to lists when you sign up. No authorizations to participate in the tournament will be performed at the event. MIC for the Rapier Tourney: Baron Jacques de Normandie, OWS msgr_jacques@earthlink.net (360) 598-2654. Event MIC: HL Caroline de PoliAna cmstein@telebyte.com.
Lift your eyes to the Heavens and join us at the Celestial Masque. Festivities commence at 7 in the evening on Friday the 9th of January. Costumes will be judged, a Diversion performed and of course dancing will take place. Costumes will be judged for Most Authentic, Best in Theme (Celestial) and Judge’s Choice. Please join us for divine frivolity.
If you wish to schedule space for meetings, please contact the Chief Scheduler, THL Brighid Ross, who can be contacted at brighidross@comast.net .
Volunteers Urgently Needed!!! This year we have a Volunteer Coordinator to make volunteering as easy, painless and quick as possible. She will register volunteers and get them assigned spots on Team Haggis. No scouting for work at the event will be necessary. Please contact her to get involved and to ask any questions you may have. Lady Angharad Albanes, angharadalbanes@charter.net .
Site Fees: Adult: $15 (Members), $18 (Non-Members); Child 6 -17: $7; Free: 5 & Under. Family $42 (Members), $48 (Non-Members). Pre-registration closes on December 1st, 2003. Pre-Registration Autocrat: Liu Xian (MKA Mary Fischer); (360) 475-8710, liuxiansca@hotmail.com. Mail Forms & Fees To: Twelfth Night Pre-Registration Autocrat, 1514 N. Montgomery; Bremerton, WA 98312. Pre-registration forms are available on-line.
Site opens at 3PM Friday, January 9th and closes at 5PM on Sunday, January 11th, 2004.
There will be NO pets allowed in any of the indoor meeting rooms, ballroom, merchant room, etc.
Autocrat Team Chairman: Arontius of Bygelswade (Aaron Rogers); P.O. Box 172; Silverdale, WA 98311-8917. E-Mail: Arontius@comcast.net (PREFERRED METHOD OF COMMUNICATION).
Phone: (360) 307-0526.
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