Freedom Fest


Hosted by Device of Rath an Oir

The Stronghold of Rath an Oir (Fort Lewis, WA) DORMANT

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Shawna Kerr of Devonshire
Date: July 4 , 2002
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 4th 2002
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Fort Lewis
Bldg 2272 Ligatte Ave Ft. Lewis, WA 98433

Freedom Fest Abounds
10AM to after fireworks, set up of tents and displays can start at 8AM
Ft Lewis, WA No fee

Merchants invited, see below

Open to the public SCA’ers, special good features for access, see below

Another July 4th annual demo and Stronghold of Rath an Oir Champion Tourney(s). The fourth heavy champion tourney will take place about one. A rapier champion tourney too (third year attempt) and will compete during intervals of the heavies. Fighting demos will be interspersed with the tourney to give our competitors time to cool and rest. A small court that evening to award our champions and demo to the populace the pageantry. As the evening progresses the all volunteer non-professional kazoo and vocal band of Blatha an Oir will set the mood for the fireworks scheduled for dark. Word is the fireworks will be especially spectacular as the post added $20,000 more for the display.

Demonstrations of crafts, arts and anything else period are encouraged. We will have a large tent with tables and chairs for arts and other information displays.

Merchants are invited, sorry no food items. There is a nominal fee paid to the post of $15.00. Please contact this autocrat for more information. So far we have HL Hroswitha’s book store and Baron Michael has expressed interest. The populace really enjoy the merchants and the post begged us for your participation.

Access to the post for SCA’ers will be at the Main, Madigan and Dupot gates. Representatives of MWR with have lists of names we put together from the Census and Blatherings mailing list. If your name is not on it, they will add it. They will give you a vehicle pass that will enable you to drive directly to the event site and park near by.
Site is by the movie theatre, there are trees and water and a large parking lot near by. A great spot to watch the fireworks. This demo was submitted Saturday to calendar as a Tier one event.

Autocrat: Baroness Shawna Kerr of Devonshire

Safe Journeys and Have a Great Day,
Shawna Kerr of Devonshire, Baroness of Court
Seneschal, Incipient Stronghold Rath an Oir

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