Event Main Contact (Event Steward): John Bowslayer
Date: November 9 , 2002
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 9th 2002
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
South Everett Holiday Inn
101 - 128th ST
Everett, WA 98208
(updated 11-6-02) Fall Crown Council November 9, 2002 Barony
of Aquaterra Everett, WA The Barony of Aquaterra cordially
invites the Populace of An Tir to this year’s Fall Crown
Council. After Their Majesties have concluded their business,
a bardic will take place. All bards of An Tir are invited to
attend. Please join us for a fun and relaxing day. Hotel
Info: This event will be held at the South Everett Holiday
Inn, 101 – 128th St. SE, Everett, WA 98208, 800-256-8137.
Please state you are with the “SCA” or the “Society for
Creative Anachronism” when making reservations. All
reservations must be secured with a credit card. Valid photo
ID must be presented upon check-in. Full service restaurant,
lounge & room service; fast food, restaurants &
stores directly across the freeway; indoor pool, free
parking. Site Info: Site opens Sat, 8am & closes Sat,
11pm. Site fee $10 for 16 & older, however, site fee is
FREE to those registered at the hotel for at least one night
(one free site fee/room/night). Proof of hotel occupancy
required at gate. Make checks payable to “Barony of
Aquaterra, SCA, Inc.” For site information, contact the
Autocrat: Master John Bowslayer (John LeBlanc),
bowslayer@bowslaire.org, 425-338-4960 (no calls before 10am
please). For scheduling info, contact: HL Antoinette Leblanc
(Antoinette LeBlanc), antoinette@bowslaire.org, 425-338-4960
(no calls after 9pm please). Please look for the SCA signs on
the hotel property to find the SCA gate. Do not enter through
the hotel’s main lobby (unless you are a registered guest).
The SCA gate will be located near the Pacific Crest Theater
and the Vancouver Room. Please sign in at this gate first.
Help with gate duties should be easy and would be greatly
appreciated. Please check in with HL Antoinette Leblanc at
the SCA gate to volunteer. The lobby area near the restaurant
and pool will be set up for socializing. Directions: Take
your best route to I-5 in Washington, exit #186, 128th St.
SE, and go east upon exiting the freeway. The Holiday Inn is
in the northeast quadrant of this freeway exit. Schedule of
Activities: 8am Gate Opens 10am Laurels (Vancouver Room) 10am
Constables (Pacific Crest Theater) 10am Rapier Lists (Dome)
11am Chivalry (Vancouver Room) 11am Constabulary Class
(Pacific Crest Theater) 11am Rapier Tournament (Dome) 12pm
Pelicans (Vancouver Room) 12pm Constabulary Class continued
(Pacific Crest Theater) 12pm Rapier Tournament continued
(Dome) 1pm Lunch Break 2pm Kingdom Financial Committee
(Vancouver Room) 2pm Waterbearers (Pacific Crest Theater) 2pm
Laurels Project (Dome) 3pm Noble Estate (Vancouver Room) 3pm
Chroniclers (Pacific Crest Theater) 3pm Laurels Project
continued (Dome) 4pm OGGS (Vancouver Room) 4pm Minister of
Children-Pages & Pied Pipers (Pacific Crest Theater) 4pm
Curia (Dome) 5pm Dinner Break 6:30pm Royal Court (Dome) 11pm
Site Closes Schedule of Activities – By Location: Vancouver
Room 10am Laurels 11am Chivalry 12pm Pelicans 1pm Lunch Break
2pm Kingdom Financial Committee 3pm Noble Estate 4pm OGGS 5pm
Dinner Break Pacific Crest Theater 10am Constables 11am
Constabulary Class 12pm Constabulary Class continued 1pm
Lunch Break 2pm Waterbearers 3pm Chroniclers 4pm Minister of
Children-Pages & Pied Pipers 5pm Dinner Break Dome 10am
Rapier Lists 11am Rapier Tournament 12pm Rapier Tournament
continued 1pm Lunch Break 2pm Laurels Project 3pm Laurels
Project continued 4pm Curia 5pm Dinner Break 6:30pm Royal
This page for event id 3272 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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