About King Eirik Daegarsson, OC

Pronouns: He/Him


His Majesty King Eirik has a Norse Persona

His current SCA interests fall mainly around the martial disciplines: heavy (armored) combat, but He is also interested in learning more about all martial activities particularly fencing and cut and thrust.

His Majesty Eirik’s heraldic colors are Vert, Sable, and Argent. He favorite colors green, blue, and red. His heraldry is Per chevron vert and sable, three bulls passant argent.

Food and Drink Preferences

King Eirik enjoys meats, breads, cheese, potatoes, broccoli, and sweets.

Please do not feed Him asparagus, grape flavored foods, or licorice flavored foods. He will not eat them.

Drinks: Coffee (all kinds), lemonade, Alani Energy (Peach), Gatorade (blue).
Alcohol: Beer (IPA, Kolsch), vodak (mixed drinks).

Please do not offer Him grape flavored drinks in any form, the taste is not pleasing to His palate.

About Queen Brynhildr Ansvardottir

Pronouns: she/her


Her Majesty Queen Brynhildr has a Norse Persona

Her current SCA interests fall around the martial disciplines: heavy (armored) combat and archery, but She is also interested in learning more about embroidery, illumination, pottery, and leather working. She is also interested in encouraging Newcomer Classes and Expat Meet ups.

Her Majesty Brynhildr’s heraldic colors are Purpure and Or. Her favorite colors purple, peach, and blue. Her heraldry is Per fess or and purpure, a lion counterchanged.

Food and Drink Preferences

Her Majesty likes meat, cheese, bacon, all forms of potatoes, pastas, mushrooms, broccoli, green beans, and kimchi. For sweets, she prefers vanilla over chocolate. She also prefers cake over pie, but generally loves all sweets. She does not eat mustard of any kind.

Drinks: Queen Brynhildr quenches Her thirst with (a plentiful supply of) coffee, both iced and warm (vanilla or caramel). She also enjoys sweet iced tea, Gatorade (white), and Redbull (peach).

For alcoholic beverages, Her Majesty prefers Whiteclaw (mango & black cherry) as well as sweet ciders. She does not like beer or anything overly sweet.