HL Kendryth filia Gerald
Kingdom Chronicler
A member of the Kingdom Chronicler's team
Warrant expires: 01/02/2025
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The Chronicler ensures that the Populace is made aware of the news happening within the Kingdom and within the SCA that may affect various aspects of their play.
Contact Information:
email: chronicler@antir.org
Office Web Resources:
Chronicler Quarterly Report form is here!
To submit anything for consideration of publication in The Crier, please note the following guidelines:
- Articles should be no more than 750 words in length. Longer articles could be considered but would require a discussion with the Crier Editor
- Please attach a photo or graphic to accompany an article. Photos require a release form from the photographer. As well, a Grant of Use release form is also required. These forms can be found on this page.
- Deadline for all submissions is always the 1st of the month (but we really appreciate getting a heads up you will be submitting something and sending it early gets you bonus smiles)
- Submissions should be sent to criereditor@antir.org
If you have any questions about any of this, please reach out to chronicler@antir.org and we will work things out.
Chronicler Resources
Kingdom Calendar & Crier
Release Forms