Hosted by
The Barony of Glymm Mere (Thurston, Grays Harbor, and South Mason counties, WA )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Volk the Grey
Date: December 17 , 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 17th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Washington Land Yacht Harbor
9101 Steilacoom Road SE
Olympia, WA 98513
We welcome all to join us at this year’s Glymm
Mere Yule feast! Come and enjoy the fantastic company beside your
friends new and old and enjoy entertainment from our bardic
champion Mistress Elizabeth Piper among others! There will also be
games and fun for people of all ages along with classes including a
dance class for all to learn, we hope to see you
Fees: $15/ nonmembers 18+, $10 members
18+, Youth (ages 0 to 17) free
Feast fee: $5
Clicking “going” on FB does NOT count as
pre-registration. Please
RSVP Aurora before 5pm, Dec. 9th via email
at with
numbers/ages in your party plus numbers of those partaking in the
Feast so that we can ensure no one goes
hungry. Payment
will only be accepted at Gate. If Volk or Lisa have not
said that we have you down, then we probably
The feast will be a potluck and what you should
bring is based with the 1st letter of your
1st legal name if you would like to bring something. It
is divided as follows:
A-I is breads and desserts,
J-R is side dishes, hot or cold
S-Z is asked to bring drinks to
Glymm Mere will be providing the main dish of
meat, turkey and beef.
Lunch will be on your own so we recomend
packing a lunch and snacks.
10AM to
3 pm Gate Open
10:30 AM Family Activities Opens Runs until
12:30 PM
10:30 AM Lists open for all
11:00 AM YAC Tournament
11:00 AM Class Basic
Cheese Making – HL Bessetta Wallace
11:00 AM Class Nalbinding
– HL Heidr in Ljosa
12:30 PM -1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Heavy Prize Tournament
1:00 PM Family Activities Opens Runs until 2:30
1:00 PM Class Medieval
Sheep Breeds – HL Rosamond Winder
1:00 PM Class Norse
Clothing Construction – HL Disa i Birkilundi
1:00 PM Class A
Short Study of the Interlude – HL Serena Zane
2:00 PM Cooking
class – Maestro Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia
3:00 PM Class Mask
Making – HL Volk the Grey
3:00 PM Class Introduction
to Nalbinding – HL Heidr in Ljosa
3:00 PM Class How
to use the new A&S judging forms – Mistress Cristiana de
3:00 PM Rapier Prize
5:00 PM Court
6:00 PM Set up for dinner
6:30 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Entertainment
8:30 PM Site clean up begins
10:00 PM Site Closes
A&S class times may change based on
teacher’s availability. .
Tentative classes:
Period Darts – Master Gryphon the
Period Games – HL Isabella de
YIS Lord Aldric Volkson
of Corhaven, (Mitchell Amsbury)
Aurora (Lisa
to RSVP: 12/9/16, 5 pm
This page for event id 6611 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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