Hosted by
The Barony of Three Mountains (Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Selene Trioros
Date: December 3 , 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 3th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Milwaukie Community Club Center
10666 SE 42nd Ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97222
December 3, 2011
Portland, OR
The long cold, dark season is upon us, so let us celebrate together
in light and warmth, eating, competing and dancing throughout the
day. Their Excellencies, Hersir Alfric and Baroness Jill, invite
all to celebrate Yule in the great Barony of Three Mountains. We
will fill the day with competitions, music, dance, games, the
sharing of gifts, a potluck feast and end the day with a Baronial
There will be Rapier and Armored Tournaments; Brewing, Subtlety and
Tree Decoration contests, and children’s games throughout the
The Rapier Tournament will be using rapier and cloak. Please
contact Talbot (503-708-0023, for
additional information.
The Armored Tournament will be a standard tournament format based
on the number of participants. Please contact HL Sqr. Felix
Avor (971-275-5151 between 10am & 9pm, for additional information.
There will be three categories in the brewing contest: Beers/Ales,
Wines/Meads and Cordials. Documentation is not required, but
will count towards the final score. Please contact HL William
Mor (503-720-9668, for additional
Documentation for the Feast Subtlety contest is not required, but
will count towards the final score. Please contact HL Vivien
NicUldoon ( for more information.
The Tree Decoration contest will have two categories, Youth (3
– 13) and Adult. A handmade ornament to decorate the
Baronial Christmas Tree in the Ballroom. Please contact HL Selene
Trioros (971-506-8752, selene_trioros for more
We will be taking donations for three local charities:
canned/packaged food, new/gently used coats/blankets, and new
unwrapped toys.
We will share a small gift exchange. Please wrap gifts for
gentlemen in green and gifts for ladies in red. ($10.00 cap)
Feasting Guide: Please bring a dish to serve 10
people, serving utensils and a COMPLETE list
of ingredients on a 3×5-index card.
Last Name
A – F
Starchy Side
Dishes (Pastas, root vegetables, rice)
G – L
Vegetable Side
M – R
Main Dish (meat or vegetarian)
S – Z
(Fruits, Cheeses, Antipasti)
Please NO soups
or bread.
The Barony will be serving Spiced Roast Beef, Roasted Chicken, and
Homemade Christmas Sausages (Pork) for meats; A green salad and a
Cabbage Salad; Homemade Bread; and a dessert of Pound Cake, Almond
Crème and Fruit Sauce.
The site is discretely wet.
Please remember that there is no food or drink allowed upstairs in
the ballroom.
10:00 AM – Site Opens
11:00 AM – Lists open for Armored and Rapier Tournaments;
Children’s Activities (until 4:00 PM)
11:30 AM – Armor Inspection Begins (Outside Lawn)
12:00 PM – Dancing Begins (until at least 2:30 PM)
12:30 PM – Armored Tournament Begins (Outside, weather
2:00 PM – Rapier Inspection Begins (Outside Lawn);
Brewing Contest Judging; Afternoon snacks (Downstairs)
2:30 PM – Tree Decoration Contest Judging Begins;
Rapier Tournament Begins (Outside, weather permitting)
3:00 PM – Subtlety Contest Judging. (Downstairs); Gate
3:30 PM – Gift Exchange (Ballroom)
4:00 PM – Potluck Dishes Due in Kitchen; Baronial
Court Begins (Ballroom)
6:00 PM – Feast Begins (Downstairs)
9:00 PM – Site Closes
Site Fees: Adults $5 (+$5 NMS); Youth (12-17) $3; Children under 12
free; $15 family cap.
Make checks payable to Barony of Three Mountains, SCA Inc.
Autocrat: Selene Trioros (Melissa Williams)
Phone: 971-506-8752
Site Info: Milwaukie Community Club 10666 SE 42nd Ave., Milwaukie,
OR 97222
Site opens at 10 a.m. and closes at 9 p.m.
Directions to Site:
From the North, East or South: Take your best route to OR-224 West.
Go approx. 3 ½ Miles to Harrison St. turn right. Go approx.
½ Mile to 42nd Ave. turn right. Site will be down 1 block on
your left.
From the West: Take US-26 East towards Portland. Cross over on the
Ross Island Bridge. Exit SE McLoughlin Blvd./OR-99E South. Go
approx. 4 Miles to OR-224 East. Go approx. ½ Mile to
Harrison St turn left. Go approx. ½ Mile to 42nd Ave. turn
right. Site will be down 1 block on your
This page for event id 5631 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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