Yule Feast


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Raul Ladvenue
Date: December 19 , 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 19th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Tigard Armory
6700 SW oak Street Tigard, OR 97223

  December 19th
Note the New and easy to get to Site, Tigard Armory
 Baronies of  Three Mountains and Stromgard

Their Excellencies Arnsbjorn and Reginleif of Stromgard and
Excellencies Alfric and Jill of Three Mountains invite all to
come join the
warmth of their hospitality in the midst of winter at Yule
feast. The
generosity and increase of bounty are such that there will be
NO site fee to
attend. Please join us to celebrate long nights and hearty
camaraderie at a
potluck feast.
The activities will include: Heavy combat (showers available
on site so
bring a change of clothing) ,  ANNIVERSARY celebrations
of the founding of
both Baronies (bring memories and stories), Iron Man Main
Dish Chef
Competition, Mighty Sir Olin’s Toys for Tot’s Tourney( Bring
lots of toys to
donate), Canned food donation drive for the local food
And more competitions and events to follow please make sure
and look at the
AnTir web page for more updates.  

Please bring a generous contribution of your best to grace
the table for
all. There will be a main dish “Diamond Chef
Competition” which will be judged then provided
for all to enjoy. 
Also for the feast please bring a contribution for
all  by mundane last name :
A to C vegetable, Salad or Fruit side dishes
D to F rolls and butter We plan to put rolls and butteron the
tables directly so baskets and dishes wouldbe great
G to O Meat, Poultry or fish dish
P to S Starch side dish- pasta, rice, potatoe, arrow
root, sorghum, or other carb
T to Z deserts: there will be a separate dessert table

are making every effort to streamline the process so that
Everyone gets some of everything they’d like to have (no
“last table losers”!!!), and so that the line doesn’t go on
Forever! If you have special kitchen needs, please contact
Angela at lorraine DOT herr AT verizon DOT net. There should
be plenty of plugs for crock pots and what not. Please note
that beautiful new BLUE table clothes have been purchased,
for the festivities (the tables are ROUND), so the only
linens the populace need bring are napkins.

Autocrats: Baron Raul Ladvenue AKA Steven Wallace5613 NE 23
rd ave Vancouver
WA 98663 360-737-1977 home 360-693-3266 office
Master Aleyn the Younger AKA Robert Wurtz ((((( info to be
added before
submission, cant think of where I put it right now))))

Site is discreetly wet
Site opens at 10 am closes 10 pm

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