Hosted by
The Barony of Vulcanfeldt (Yakima County, WA)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Megen O'Meagher
Date: December 10 , 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 10th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Eagles Club
515 Division St.
Toppenish, WA
‘Tis the Season for celebration! The Barony of
Vulkanfeldt welcomes the populace of An Tir to our annual,
but first baronial, Yule Feast. Come join us for a day of
fighting and feasting. Once again we will host prize
tournaments for the heavy and rapier fighters, with the
possibility of an archery tournament depending on the
weather. One of the fabulous prizes will be a period tent
made and donated by Sgt. Sqr. Tai Tjorkillsdatr. After the
tournaments have concluded please join their Royal Majesties
and their Royal Highnesses for a three remove feast prepared
by the Truly Tasty Chefs of Vulkanfeldt! NO OUTSIDE ALCOHOL
WILL BE PERMITTED! There will be a no host bar with drinks
available for purchase from the Fraternal Order of the Eagles
at the feast. Site fee $12.00 for adults 14 & up, $8.00
for ages 6 – 13, ages 5 and under are free, and the
$3.00 non-member fee will be in effect. Make checks payable
to SCA, Inc. Barony of Vulkanfeldt. Due to limited space,
please send reservations by December 1, 2005 to HL Megen
O’Meagher, PO Box 244, Parker WA 98939, or email to: This is just for reservations; site fee
will be collected at gate. Site Info: Gate opens at 10:00AM
and closes at 10:00PM. Armor inspection starts at 11:00AM and
fighting begins at 12:00PM. Feast hall opens at 2:00PM and
food will be served at 5:00PM. Address: Toppenish Armory, 326
S. Division Road, Toppenish, WA. Anyone interested in
providing entertainment during the feast please email HL
Megen O’Meagher at For more information
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