Date: December 5 , 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 5th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Silverdale Lutheran Church
11701 Ridgepoint Dr. NW
SIlverdale, WA 98383
Yule Feast
December 5, 2015
Barony of Dragon’s Laire
Silverdale, WA (Kitsap County)
Site: Silverdale Lutheran Church; 11701
Ridgepoint Dr NW; Silverdale, WA 98383 (driving directions are at
the bottom of this event copy).
Hours: Site opens at 10AM, and closes at
Please join Their Excellencies Conchobar
and Eilidh, as well as Their Royal Majesties of An Tir, King
Havordh and Queen Mary-Grace, as we celebrate the Yule Season and
the end of another glorious year for the Barony.
Fees: Site fee will be $10 per person, with
youth 17 and under free. NMS of $5 does apply for non-members. Make
checks available to ‘SCA, Inc.; Barony of Dragon’s
Laire’. There is no pre-reg for the site fee.
We will have both a sock drive and a food
drive at the event, so please bring your new socks and
non-perishable foods. A prize will be given for the most
unique presentation for the sock drive!
Note: This is a DRY
site. Bone dry. No alcohol at all.
The Ithra schedule is done and ready.
Please follow this link to the Ithra website to
Registration will also be open the day of the event at 9:15
AM, for any classes that have space available after pre-reg.
The fabulous feast which will be prepared
by Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol and Mistress Rafaella di Contino
is now FULL. Off board space is also FULL. There are no
spaces left for the Feast and off-board – but plenty of room for
the event during the day! It is just the feast/off-board
space that is full, with a waiting list.
Remember to bring our own feast gear and
table coverings/decorations.
Lunch will be served which will feature
soup (1 vegetarian, 1 not), homemade bread and butter (for a small
fee – $3. Exact change is greatly appreciated).
Questions regarding the feast menu are to
be sent directly to the head cook, Countess Elisabeth at
Everyone is encouraged to bring your own
table clothes and table decorations, to make your experience as
festive as possible. The tables are round (except for head
table), and will seat 7 people. Be prepared to be very
friendly and share tables. The tables will not be set up
until right before feast. There will be a table reservation
chart in the lobby during the day before feast set up.
Here is the tentative schedule:
Site opens for autocrat team at 8 AM
Site opens for Ithra registration at 9:15 AM
Site opens for non-Ithra attendees at 10 AM
Coffee and hot water for tea will be available in the
Ithra classes begin at 10 Am and will run to 3 PM in
three classrooms and the hall, with a lunch break at 12-1
Family Activities will run throughout the day from 10
AM to 3 PM (in the main hall, coordinated by Dame Angharad).
If you have any questions on Family Activities, contact Dame
A scribal event will happened sometime between 10 AM
to 3 PM (in one of the classrooms, and will be coordinated by Lady
Ela, )
Heraldic consultation will happen between 10 AM to 3
PM in the same classroom as scribal.
An A&S display sponsored by The Dragon’s
Pearls (A&S order in the Barony of Dragon’s Laire) will
be in another classroom from 10 AM to 3 PM. Contact Maestra
Aelianora de Wyntringham, if you are
A light lunch of soup and bread will be available 12
PM to 1 PM, for a fee of $3
Dance (for Ithra credit) will happen in the main hall
from 1 PM to 3 PM.
The Hall will be the gathering place for the populace
all day until feast and court. There will be games in
addition to dancing. Bring your projects and handwork!
Court/Feast set-up will begin at 3 PM
Court begins at 4 PM, with one hour allotted
for each Baronial and Royal (that means get your award
recommendations in!)
Feast begins at 6 PM or immediately after Court,
whichever comes first. Note: there may be some
court activities from the Crown during feast.
Clean up must begin no later than 9 PM.
Site closes at 10 PM
The web-site for information is:,
and also can be viewed on the An Tir Infoscroll.
Things to take note of and remember:
This is a DRY SITE.
Smoking areas will be marked clearly.
Another church event will happen that day. Off
limit areas will be clearly marked
SCA rules on children apply. Any child 12 or
under must be in sight and sound of a parent or designated
adult. This will be strictly enforced.
We are not allowed in the Prayer Labyrinth, the
playground, or in the Church itself.
The kitchen is not large enough for everyone to clean
their feast gear after the meal. Please be prepared with
plastic bag or ziplocks to store your dirty dishes in.
Do Not wash your dishes in the restrooms.
We will not be able to set up the feast tables until
right before court. So, be aware, and please leave your feast gear
in your automobile if possible, so as not to take up an excessive
amount of room in the Hall. We plan on dancing and games
during the day, so we will need the room!
We will need help with setting up the tables for
feast, and cleaning and putting things away afterward. Please
consider volunteering!
Stewards: Dame Gwenllyn Potter and Marquessa Laurellen du
Brandevin Contact information for
the event: Gwen the Potter,
This page for event id 6509 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
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