Tir Righ Winter Investiture & Rapier Champ.


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rory Woulfe
Date: November 19 , 2004 until November, 21 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 19th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on November 21th 2004

Event site:
Dwight Hall
6274 Walnut St. Powell River, BC

Tir Righ Winter Investiture Nov. 19-21 04 Powell River BC On
behalf of Prince Kheron Azov and Princess Ksenia Magdalina
Einarsdottir, the Shire of False Isle invites all gentles to
this noble event where they will crown their successors.
Rapier combatants residing in our Principality are challenged
to vie for the title of Rapier Champion (Tir Righ).There will
be an Arts and Science exhibit. The evening will feature
merry making and gaming in true Cavalier style at Lord
Geoffery’s Tavern. Site Fees: Adult
Non-Member……..$14…..+…..$8 Feast Adult SCA
member……..$10…..+…..$8 Feast
Youth………………………….$10……+….$8 Feast
Child under 12………………$5……+….$8 Feast Non
member surcharge will be applicable Pre-registration is
strongly recommended. Make checks payable to Shire of False
Isle in Can. funds For Pre-Registration contact Lady
Constance de Montbard (Connie Kiever) de-montbard@shaw.ca 1
604 487-4242 Autocrats Master Rory Woulfe (Tim Young) 6385
Sutherland Ave, Powell River, BC, Canada (604) 483-3235
woulfe@shaw.ca HL Sabine de Provence (Jeannette Jones) 6385
Sutherland Ave, Powell River, BC, Canada (604) 483-3235
ladysabine@shaw.ca Site info: Dwight Hall 6274 Walnut Powell
River. Opens 5:00 pm Friday November 19 and close at 2:00 pm
Sunday afternoon. Go to web site www.falseisle.org and click
on link for Investiture for more info.

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