Tir Righ A & S and Bardic Championships


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Wulfstan Hrafnsson
Date: October 22 , 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 22th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Tir Righ A&S and Bardic

Come witness history made as the next Scholar and Skald of Tir Righ
are chosen.
-OR- if you’ve got a mind to stand a champion of your Principality,
come and contend for the honour of being Tir Righ’s new Champion of
the Arts & Sciences or the Bardic Arts. Either way, come and
cheer on those who put their knowledge and skill to the test.
Parameters for the A&S Competition can be found here:

Parameters for the Bardic
competition are as follows:
2 (two) pieces
presented before a public audience.  Both pieces must be from
different genres and/or periods/regions.  For example, a Norse
song and a Norse story would be acceptable, as would a Norse song
and a 14th Century German song.  Both pieces must have some
documentation. *Bonus points will be awarded for audience


There will also be a plethora of University of Tir Righ
(UTR) A&S/Bardic classes
offered as well. A class list
will be posted (hopefully) closer to the date as the classes are

That very evening, stay to celebrate the new Scholar and Skald with
a fabulous, not-to-be-missed feast created by HL Kensae (Kenzie)
McBeighn (and if previous Kenzie feasts are any indication, this is
NOT to be missed!!!).
**See Feast Menu (subject to change still) at
the bottom for feast and ticket

Oct 22, 2011

Shire of Lionsdale
(Mission/Abbotsford/Chilliwack B.C.)

SITE: Opens: 8:30am-11pm
St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church,
8469 Cedar St
Mission BC

Adults (19+): $15 CAD*
Youth (13-18): $10
Children (0-12): Free
Family Cap (modern nuclear family): $50
* A $5 Non-member surcharge (NMS) will be in effect for all
non-member adult gate fees.

(tickets available soon)
Feast Tickets: $10 (numbers are limited!)
Off-board: $5 (as seating allows)

Event Steward:
THL Wulfstan Hrafnsson –
wulfstan.hrafnsson@gmail.com – 604-792-4335 (no calls after 9pm
Co-steward: HL Sionann in Ui Fhlaithbheartaig –
songstress1973@gmail.com – 778-242-0464 (no calls after 9pm


Feast Steward: HL Kenzie
McBeighn kensae@shaw.ca. Please
direct all feast-related inquiries to the Feast Steward (except for
To purchase feast tickets, contact: Lady Aine
Selmasdottir danniellevanpelt@hotmail.com
Feast Tickets: $10 (numbers are limited!)
Off-board available as seating allows.

FEAST MENU (listed by
Feast menu will include several vegetarian and vegan options. Menu
details will be posted when finalised.

1. Appy tray, featuring
2. Florentine pizza, spinach + artichoke with mozza.
3. Bread, butter.
4. Onion soup with cheese and croutons on the side.
5. Ravioli stuffed with quail egg, pesto sauce -OR- Vegan
alternative – ravioli stuffed with roasted carrot.
6, Barley with cinnamon, garlic, salty raisins
7. Roast veggies, kholorabi, parsnip, carrot, raw broccoli as
garnish. -OR- Beef with apricots and ginger, served au jus, garlic
chips as garnish.
8. Elk stew with onions, cabbage and turnip. (Red Deer was my first
choice, but it is not available in North America). Sauce for with
the Elk and/or beef, Sour cream with green and black
9. Sliced Apples and Strawberries, with croissants and light
drizzle of caramel.


8:30 – Gate opens; A&S competitors may set up in hall
9:00 – Pelican Meeting (Classroom)
9:30 – Judges’ meeting for A&S and Bardic judges
10:00 – Opening Court and Invocation of Lists (Sanctuary)
10:30 – TUTR Session I (to 12:30) (Classrooms)
11:00 – Bardic judging begins (Sanctuary)
11:00 – A&S judging begins (Hall)
1:00 – TUTR Session II (to 3:00) (Classrooms
3:30 – TUTR Session III (to 5:30) (Classrooms)
4:00 – Bardic judging ends
4:00 – A&S judging ends
4:00 – Hall cleared for feast set-up
4:30 – Laurel meeting (Classroom)
5:15 – Gate closes
5:30 – Principality Court (Sanctuary)
6:30 – Feast begins (Hall)
11:00pm – Site closes


BEST WESTERN PLUS Mission City Lodge
32281 Lougheed Highway
Mission, BC V2V 1A3
(604) 820-5500

Single (1 Queen-size bed): $89/night
Double (2 Queen-size)/King: $91/night

Rooms available for Oct 21st and 22nd.

The hotel is easy to find and within minutes of the site.
Mention “SCA” when booking to get the discounted

Add all events from to your personal calendar (ical format)

Map Unavailable

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