Hosted by
The Barony of Three Mountains (Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Selene Trioros
Date: December 4 , 2010
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 4th 2010
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Milwaukie Community Club Center
10666 SE 42nd Ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Let it be known though the nights be cold and long, by the
graces of Their Excellencies Baron Alfric and Baroness Jill,
the good gentles of Three Mountains shall Revel and Feast in
honor of Yule. Fill the day with dance, song, good
cheer, Baronial Court, games for children and a Potluck
Feast. The Barony will be providing the meat course
with handmade Christmas Sausages, Pot Roasted Beef and Gilded
Chicken. The Barony will also be providing Breads and Butters
for the feast.
Various pastimes are planned for your entertainment. Prize
tournaments in Armored and Fence are scheduled (weather
permitting). Prize competitions (documentation is encouraged)
of “Best Dressed Table” and “Moste Toothsome Dessert” will
give you an opportunity to show off your dining finery or
your culinary talents. Lastly, “How did your people celebrate
the shortest days of the year”. For this competition, the
sponsor requires written documentation as well as a short
spoken narrative that may be presented during the feast.
Please contact Selene Trioros for further information.
As giving is also a faire favour for our Barony, please bring
along any or all of these needed items for donation to local
charities: canned and dry goods, new or gently used
coats/blankets, new unwrapped toys.
We will also share amoung our selves with a small gift
exchange (of $10 value or less). Please wrap gifts for
gentlemen in yellow and gifts for gentle ladies in red.
Feasting Guide: Please bring enough to serve 8-12
persons. Please bring along serving utensils and a
COMPLETE list of ingredients on a 3×5 index card:
Modern Last Name
A – E
F – K
Fruits and Sweets
L – Q
Vegetable Sides and Salads
R – T
Main Dish (meat or
U – Z
Starchy Sides (DO NOT BRING
Event Schedule:
Site Fees: Adults $5 (+$5 Non-member fee as applies);
Youth (12-17) $3; Children under 12 free; $15 family
cap. Make checks payable to: Barony of Three Mountains,
SCA Inc.
Autocrat: Selene Trioros (Melissa Williams)
Phone: 971-506-8752 (Please no calls after 9 PM)
Co-Autocrat: Hannah Tobias (Randi Moscoe)
Site Info: Milwaukie Community Club 10666 SE 42nd Ave.,
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Site opens at 10:00 a.m. and site closes at 10:00 p.m.
Parking will be on the right at 42nd Ave. and Monroe St. and
on the surrounding streets.
Limited handicap parking available on site. An unloading area
at the front of the site will be available.
This page for event id 5381 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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