Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Felix Avor
Date: October 1 , 2016
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 1th 2016
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Milwaukie Community Club Center
10666 SE 42nd Ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Three Mountain Honor Feast
harvest has been brought in and War, for now, slumbers in
its restless
repose. Our wise Baron and clever Baroness have decreed
that now is the
time for hunt and feast. So too have they called for
the Honoring
of one of our fiercest citizens, Sir Ataias ek Skytheas, Past Baron
of Three Mountains and implacable Scythian Hunt
Master. Humbled by
this fresh accolade, Sir Ataias has been consulted,
and this year
the Honor Feast will become a proving ground for all that
is good in
A light lunch will be served, midday with the evening feast being
provided by the Food Goddess Urraca and the efforts of those
vying for Grill
Master. This event will provide, in addition to a day of contests
and camaraderie, a new martial champion for Three Mountains
Heavy and
Rapier Champions, as well as a new Arts and Sciences
Event Registration Details:
Adult w/ Feast: $30.00
Adult w/o Feast: $20.00
Children (13-17) with Feast: $5.00
Children (13-17) w/o Feast: $0.00
Children (0-12): $0.00
Current Member Discount of $5.00
Make checks payable to Barony of Three Mountains, SCA
Discreetly Wet site
Site Opens at 9:00 am and closes at 9:00
pm at:
Milwaukie Community Club
10666 SE 42nd Ave, Portland, Oregon 97222
To secure a seat at the
feast high table and join Ataias and his
lady, champions will be selected
from the following contests:
Box Game – sponsored by her grace, Duccessa
Hlutwige Wolfkiller
Those wanting to
play will sign in. The game will be “hold the field”
rather in this case, hold the box. The first player will be chosen
randomly and will be allowed to challenge the first opponant (from
there challengers will be selected from the list in order). Each
player will be blindfolded and given a weighted bag. The game
begins with each player on opposite sides of the box. One hand must
stay on the box during play. If one player removes their hand it is
counted as a loss and they may return to the end of the line. The
first player askes a question of the other and once the question
has been asked, the first player tries to locate and hit their
Weapons – Sponsored by Robert of Wolf Ford
A spear throwing contest to test a hunters eye, might, and
Heavy Tournament – Sponsored by 3M Heavy Champion Istavan
Those who would enter must make their intentions
known to Their Excellencies, Baron Sebastian and Baroness Erika,
during the opening court of the event. Before you can be entered
into the tournament, however, you must face Sir Ataias, a legend in
his own time, to three blows. The tournament will include fighters
vying for the honor to wear the cloak of three mountains, and those
who merely wish to test their skill in this mighty cauldron of
swords and shields. The top 2 combants who are competing for the
championship will face eachother in a best of three finals. The
winner will be entrusted with the sword of the Barony, and all the
rights and privledges that come with the title of
Rapier Fighting – Sponsored by HL Talbot
Mixed Weapons, Double Elimination.
Arts & Sciences Champion – Sponsored by 3M Champion
Jaqueline de Lioncourt
prepare yourself, you need to do the following:
1) Contact me, Tullia (Sharon Rose), and Their Excellencies 3M
before Friday, September 29.
2) Prepare ONE entry with documentation. We are focusing on one
entry to give you time to really dig deep into the documentation.
You could then take this entry on to Kingdom competition
3) Prepare to teach the judges one small aspect of your entry. For
instance, a singer might teach the judges how to read medieval
music notation versus modern notation, or an illuminator might
teach how period artists mixed their paints compared to how we do
it today…..
4) Attend Honor Feast and set up your display.
5)The winner will be the new 3M Arts and Sciences Champion
6) Breathe deeply and have fun sharing your geek with us!
Bragging and Boasting Champion – Sponsored by Skamp
1. The boast must be no
longer in length than 5 minutes. After which you will be brusquely
interrupted by a vexatious Roman.
2. The subject of your boast must feature
in all ways heroic Sir Ataias.
3. The story told should be made
glorious, epic, embellished, embossed, gilding the lily,
exaggeration, inflated, and perhaps composed even of outright
fabrications. (Example: Ataias was born so comely that the trees in
his fathers yard bowed their crowns in wonder forever more. And
that is why we have the weeping willow.)
4. The winner shall be chosen by the lady
of Sir Ataias.
5. Victory shall secure the winner two
place at the Champions High Table for the feast.
Games Master – Sponsored by HL Carith De Cuevas
and Mattius
1. Must be UNDER 18 years of age for this particular
2. There will be a total of 8 (30 minute long) games held
throughout the day, you must have a score in at least three games
to be considered for the finals. If you participate in more than 3
games, your top 3 scores will automatically be used to determine
the finalists.
3. There will be 4 board or table games, 9 Men’s Morris, Alquerque,
Gluckhaus, and a Sheep Toss….and 4 child friendly versions of
Thrown Weapons, Knife, Axe, Spear, and Atl Atl.
4.The top two highest scoring competitors will compete in a final
game of Dice Chess (the roll of the dice dictates which chess piece
you must move).
5. The winner will take the person of their choice to sit with them
at the high table.
Grill/Smoke Master – Sponsored by Decimus Varrus
1.Be prepared to
feed 8-12 people.
2. It can be seared, smoked, roasted,
grilled, or any combination of the above.
3.If there are less than 3
competitors the competition will be canceled. Only through conflict
are heroes recognized!
4.The grilled dish does not need to
be protein but the Barony has a well established
5. Ataias will be the judge of the
most savory offering!
6. No human sacrifice
7. Your fire must be attended at all
times. Felix is not your sitter. No one gets paid enough to be YOUR
8. Contact Felix soonest so that the
General Feasting can be best
Any questions, contact the Event Steward
Decimus Varus Felix at Squirefelix@gmail.com. Mundanely Kris
Santoro 971-275-5151. No calls after 8.30pm, email checked
This page for event id 6597 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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