A Barony of Three Mountains Event: Ballistic Championship Tournaments


Hosted in-person by Device of Three Mountains

The Barony of Three Mountains (Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sigrun Pihl
Date: November 9 , 2024
Site opens at: 9:00 AM on November 9th 2024
Site closes at: 8:00 PM

Event site:
Mandorla Farm
28815 S. Needy Road Canby, OR 97013

Three Mountains Ballistic Championship

Good people of An Tir, please join the Barony of Three Mountains as competitors vie for a chance to take home our beautiful legacy scrolls for the next year at our annual Ballistic Championship! We will have championship tournaments for Thrown Weapons and Archery put on by our current champions as well as classes, games, and a silent auction. Lunch and hot beverages will be available from the Virgin Countess Inn for $10 per person.




This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Has Classes
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities

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Map Unavailable

Registration Information

Please RSVP using the following google form to help us keep track of who will be there and how many will be wanting food! https://forms.gle/8RhUifayYYfmaYUN7

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Adult 30
17 and under Free
*SCA Members will receive a $10 member discount off the cost listed above. Please make checks payable to Barony of Three Mountains, SCA, Inc.

Event Schedule

Three Mountains Ballistic Championship Schedule

Tournament Information

3M Archery Championship Tourney Outline (11/9/2024)

Competitors will never be required to shoot more than 6 arrows in any contest. However, if an
arrow breaks, they need to have replacements available.

1) Crazy Circles: Competitors will shoot at a target that has various circles on it, some
overlapping. Points are gained or lost depending on where the arrows land. The target
will not be at a standard distance.

2) Timed Slit Wall Shoot: Competitors will have a limited amount of time to shoot
through a slit at two torsos held up on rebar. The torsos will spin when hit, and no
points are given if an arrow lands on the backside. Neither torso will be at a standard
shooting distance and both will be marked with at least two colors of tape. One color
will be worth more points than the other, and arrows landing on the colored tape of the
torso at the furthest distance will be worth more as well.

3) Backwards Shoot: Competitors will sit on a slightly unstable stool and shoot over
their shoulder at the target. Shooting time will be limited, with only ONE arrow shot at a
time! [No double arrows off at the same time like some do in speed rounds.]

4) Possible String Shoot (or a Surprise Shoot of Champion’s choice): If the String Shoot is
done, each competitor will be given the same length of string. They will shoot three
arrows and then their piece of string will be stretched around the outside of their
arrows and cut off where it overlaps. If there is time, each competitor will get a second
chance to shoot three more arrows and have their remaining string wrapped around
those arrows. Obviously, a tight grouping of arrows is the goal, so that less string is
needed to wrap around the arrows on the target. The competitor with the longest string
left at the end will get the most points. Those with the next two longest strings will also
get some points.

There will not be a final shoot-out at the end of the tourney unless the top two or three
competitors have a very tight point spread between them (e.g., 1 to 2 points difference).


Three Mountains Thrown Weapons Championship

The details of this tournament are being kept secret at this time and competitors will learn what the competition is on the day of!

Youth and Family Activities


An Arts & Sciences Game of Deliberate Deception by Gytha Anora ni Kieran (OL) and Arlys o Gordon (OL, OP)


BAMBOOZLED!!! is an Arts & Sciences contest–with a twist! The aim is to make or write an entry about something which may or may not have existed prior to 1700 in a culture recognized by the SCA. Entrants may do something that is all real, all fake, or a combination of the two, as they see fit. Remember that the truth can fool people just as much as the not-truth.

 The point is to see if you can pull the wool over someone else’s eyes. Are you a master of deception?

If you are submitting an object, you are required to submit a write-up with it which serves as your documentation. If you’re submitting a paper, the paper will include your documentation, so no other writing is required. Your write-up may be between one paragraph and no more than 2 pages, followed by 3 sources. Your three sources may actually exist or exist only in your own mind. If you wish, you may annotate them, but you are not required to. EXAMPLE: [name] [source] [annotation], as in:

Whey, John. I Did It My Whey. Cheesemill, Pennsylvania, 1944. Whey’s instructions for making

squeaky cheese circa 1500 include adding Chaucer’s “super secret lubrication formula,” which he never does divulge, the fink.


Can your whole entry be fake? ABSOLUTELY!!

Can it all be legit? ABSOLUTELY!!!

Can you mix fact with fiction? YOU BETCHA!!!!

Scoring. Scoring is based on the question of the ages: HAVE I BEEN BAMBOOZLED??? The populace will be voting on complete entries based on the following considerations:

  1. Object or research paper, including images. Sketches are perfectly acceptable. So are origami animals, if that’s your thing.
  2. Documentation. This is where you tell us about your entry and drop a reference or two from your sources.
  3. Sources Used. You will need 3. These may be books, websites, that widget your Pomeranian found in the garage, or something that fell out of your imagination. Sources require: title/name, author (if any), place of publication or location (i.e. behind the freezer in the garage, a caffeine-induced hallucination, or the Oxford English Dictionary), date of source/date found. Annotations optional.
  4. ALL SUBMITTORS ARE REQUIRED TO WRITE UP A PAGE IDENTIFYING WHAT WAS FAKE OR FALSE IN THEIR ENTRY. These will be put with their entries after the winner is announced. Entrants are encouraged to stick around for an hour so the curious can see how they did.
  5. HAVE FUN! Engage your creativity, your love of history, and your personal deviousness!



This page for event id 8462 was last updated: October 28, 2024
This event has completed its EIF form
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