Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle
Date: February 12 , 2014
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 12th 2014
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Westminster House
101 NW 23rd
Corvallis, OR 97330
Event Stewards
Rhieinwylydd verch Einion Llanaelhaearn
Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle
(Jillian Bower)
6475 NW Sisters Place
Corvallis, OR 97330
Fee Structure
Adult Site (pre-reg) $5*
Adult Site (at door) $6*
Site (age 5-18) $2
Under 5 Free
*Non-members please add $5
Feast, 5 & up (pre reg) $12
Feast, 5 & up (at door) $15
Under 5 free with purchase of adult feast ticket
Please send pre-registration to:
Arwen Douglas
830 SE Lilly Ave.
Corvallis, OR 97333
(no calls between 9 PM & 9 AM PST, please)
Make checks to “SCA, Inc – Shire of Coeur du Val.”
Pre-registration forms are available on the website.
Website: http://melm.org/~mosi
What is the true nature of love? Is it sweet or bitter?
Joy or pain? Venus and Juno cannot agree and are
recruiting teams of mortals to support their claims! Come and
cast your vote!
Classes: “Sexuality in Period;” “Period Love Letters;”
“Roundtable: Fighter & Consort”
Competitions: The Food of Love; Romantic Garb; and
Earn tokens through various competitions, or by begging, trading,
or whatever method you can devise, and use them to vote for the
goddess of your choice; help determine the true nature of love!
The fete will finish with a fabulous feast featuring foodstuffs
fashioned to fire your fantasies! Enjoy these delicious and
period aphrodisiacs, then work off the delectables during a
delightful dancing denouement designed to deliver desire to your
doorstep! (Medieval people had some odd ideas about what
constituted an aphrodisiac; we’ll sample a variety and see if they
work! Following the feast will be a ball focusing on romantic
and/or flirtatious dances. Don’t let that threaten you –
medieval flirting is a lot less intense than modern flirting.
Please note: despite the theme of the event, we want this to be
a family-friendly day. The focus is more on silliness than
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