***CANCELLED***Sven’s Croquet Through the Ages


Hosted by Device of Western Region

The Western Region of An Tir includes the following branches: Aquaterra, Bearwood, Blatha an Oir, Dragon’s Laire, Druim Doineann, Earnrokke, Glymm Mere, Madrone, Midhaven, Rath an Oir, Porte de l’Eau, The College of St. Bunstable, and Wyewood.

Hosted by Device of Kingdom of An Tir

The Kingdom of An Tir (Oregon, Washington, Northern Idaho, and British Columbia)

Hosted by Device of Porte de l'Eau

The Canton of Porte de l’Eau (East King County, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Genevieve Marie Etienette de Montagne
Date: November 21 , 2020
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 21th 2020
Site closes at: 11:59 PM

Event site:
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church
2650 148th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98007


This is a Level 2 event.

Welcome to Porte de l’Eau’s annual croquet competition!

This page for event id 7550 was last updated: July 31, 2020