Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna
Date: June 15 , 2007 until June, 17 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 15th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 17th 2007
Event site:
Heneley Jr. High School
7925 Highway 39 South
Klamath Falls, OR
Summits June Investiture and Defenders
June 15-17
2007 Klamath
The Warmth of Summer is upon us and the Shire of Southmarch
invites all good gentles to bear witness as Prince Gabriel
and Princess Avin invest their heirs to the Alpine Thrones.
Activities for the weekend will include Investiture, the
Summits Defender Tourney, archery tourney (Royal rounds as
well as a fun shoot), a rapier tourney, arts and sciences
competition and displays, scribal competition, bardic circles
and a games pavilion.
Merchants are welcome! Merchants please pre-arrange with the
autocrats for space. Period pavilions will be placed around
the eric. There is no merchant fee.
To make your journey a bit lighter and easier the Shire of
Southmarch is offering a meal plan that includes a Friday
night soup kitchen (open till 1:30 AM), hearty Saturday
Breakfast, refreshing lunch and a fabulous feast fit for
kings, followed Sunday by a Danish (continental ) breakfast.
Pre-registration for meals are encouraged as tickets will be
limited at the door. Adult Pre-reg cost for all meals is $25
($30 at the door). Kids 5-10 pre-reg cost is $13 ($15 at the
door). Individual meals tickets are available (see meal
form). Pre-registration deadline for meal plan is May 5,
2007. All checks received will not be deposited until May 5.
Postcard confirmation will be sent upon receipt of your
check. Cancellations will be accepted until June 1, 2007.
Feastocrats: L. Birna 541.273.0743 or L. Arkasha
541.591.4520. See web site http://southmarch.antir.sca.org
for full menu details and individual prices.
The site will be at Henley Jr. High School, 7925 Highway 39
South, with flush Privies and Showers. Site will open at noon
for merchants and 3PM for all good gentles. Site fees are $15
for adults, $5 for youth (7-17 yr old), children 6 and under
free, family cap $37.00 (+$6.00 for non-members). Non-member
surcharge of $3.00 applies. Make checks payable to Shire of
Southmarch SCA. Inc. Pets are pemitted on leashes
only, must have current vaccinations and you must
pick up after your pet.
For more information check out the event website at http://southmarch.antir.sca.org
or contact the Autocrats HL Tyrrel Figenbaum and HL Ekatarina
Aleksandrovna 1615 Llanada Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601
541.882.2316 or figenbaum@yahoo.com
This page for event id 4611 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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