Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ekatarina Tatiana Aleksandrovna
Date: March 20 , 2009 until March, 22 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 20th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 22th 2009
Event site:
Hosanna Christian School
5000 Hosanna Way
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Their Alpine Highness’s Brian
and Accacia welcome all to witness the tourney to determine
their heirs. Summits March Coronet will be held March
20-22 AS XLIII being 2009 Gregorian in the Shire of
Southmarch, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Activities will include the
Alpine Tournament followed by the style tournament. His
Highness Brian asks all competitiors to “Bring their best” to
the tourney field. Archery tourneys for young and old
depending on the weather. Decorate your chariot for the
Chariot races. An Artist’s Reception and Showcase
hosted by HL VASA, Summits MoAS and Rampant Squirrel
encampment. Scribal room, work on Charters, get
instruction on Calligraphy/Illumination. Bards are
invited to entertain at the Irish Feast on Saturday
Night. Peerage Meetings, moot (with continental
breakfast), curia and Seneschal’s classes will be
happening. If anyone is interested in teaching a class
please contact the autocrats.
This is an overnight
NON camping
event with a sleeping hall in the gymnasium. To protect
the beautiful wood floors we are asking that rugs be brought
for underneath cots and air mattresses. No tents will
be allowed. For those desiring private sleeping
arrangements, the Best Werstern Inn is our recommended hotel
only a few short miles from the campus. They have
microwaves and refrigirators in every room as well as an
indoor heated pool and hot tub. For Reservations call
1-877-882-1200 and tell them you are with the SCA.
Due to the unique
circumstances of this event the Shire of Southmarch is
offering a meal plan which includes Friday Night Soup
Kitchen, Saturday Hearty Breakfast, Traveling Lunch, and
Irish Feast. Sunday is the Principality Continental
Breakfast. Pre-Registration for the meals is a
must. Pre-paid meals are $20 adults and $10 children
5-15. Prices at the door will be $30 and $15.
Individual meals may be purchased. See form
below. Feast Steward is Keith at (541)
Site fees are: $15 Adults, $3
NMS applies, $7 Children 7-17, $40 Family Cap immediate
Family only. Site Opens at 4 Pm Friday and Closes at
Noon Sunday. Make Checks Payable to the “Shire of
Southmarch SCA Inc.”
Event Stewards are: Lady
Elizabeth Watts mka Jena Glover (541) 810-1205 and
Honorable Lady Ekatarina Aleksandrovna mka Renae Snow
1615 Llanada Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601 (541) 331-0850 or
Summits March Coronet Meal
Plan Pre-registration accepted
till March 6, 2009.
ALL MEALS: $20 Adults
______ (quantity) Children $ 10 ______qty, under 5
At the door (limited
number of tickets) $30 Adults, $15 Chidren, under 5
Pre-Reg Individual
Adults Children
under 5
friday soup and bread
Kitchen $5_______ $3
________ free
$6 ______ $4
________ free
Includes Ham & cheese
cinnamon roll, sausage,
eggs, juice, coffee and
Lunch $7 _________
$ 4 ________ free
Strombolli, chicken
and Italian pepperoni, Cold
Breads and cheeses, fruit,
and refreshment.
Saturday Irish
$ 10 _________ $5 ________ Free _______
A two remove feast with
Beef and Cornish Game
TOTAL # of Persons _______ TOTAL $ __________
Name ________________
Branch________________ Phone # ____________
Tickets will be waiting at
the door.
SEND TO: Keith the
c/o Shire of Southmarch
PO Box 7315
Falls, Oregon 97601
This page for event id 5024 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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