Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rowland Greene
Date: June 6 , 2008 until June, 8 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 6th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 8th 2008
Event site:
Sacajawea State Park
2503 Sacajawea Park Rd.
Pasco, WA 99301
Springfest June 6-8, 2008 Sacajawea State Park, Barony of Wastekeep
Champions from the past will be armoring themselves and entering the eric to hold the title of Wastekeep Heavy Champion, Rapier Champion and Youth Combat Champion. New this year will be a Archery Championship Tournament. Come and cheer on your fighters and the archers, sit back and chat with friends and of course participate in the feast that will be held Saturday evening. There will also be a young ladies tea party for girls ages 10 and under on Saturday hosted by HL Lauithrenn the Falconers Wife.
Feast Information: Pot luck dinner Saturday Night. Mundane last names starting with A-G please bring main dishes. H-M please bring side dishes. N-Z Salad/Desserts. The Barony will be supplying Bread and Cheese. Please contact Autocrat with any questions.
Autocrat: Lord Rowland Greene (Jason Parchen 137 Gibby Road, Moses Lake Washington 98847. 509-750-1796)
Site: 2501 Sacajawea Park Rd Pasco, Wa 99301 (signs will be out)
Site Fee: $12.00 ages 15 and up, $6.00 ages 6 to 14. Ages 5 and under free, Family cap 30.00. Make checks payable to "Barony of Wastekeep" $3.00 NMS will be applied.
RV's will have an additional $12.00 a night parking fee.
Pets are welcomed! All animal waste or damage is the sole responsibility of the owner. Pets and service animals must be tethered or leashed at all times. Must have current record of vaccinations/rabies shots. Animals that present a public danger or Nuisance as determined by the Autocrat will be asked to remove their pets from the site.
A contest for Best Use of Heraldic Device! The rules are simple, as you will see below. And there will be, of course, a fabulous prize!! Documentation is not required, although if you are using period techniques you'll get bonus points:) The object of the contest is to get folks thinking about creative ways to use heraldry in our encampments, our clothing, our feast decorations, armor, possessions, etc.
This page for event id 4871 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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