Hosted by
The Shire of Hauksgarðr (Hood River and Wasco Counties, OR)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sannan the One Eyed of Hauksgardor
Date: April 30 , 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 30th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Thompson City Park
602 W 2nd Street
The Dalles, OR 97058
Hauksgarðr Spring Revel
The Dalles, OR
April 30, 2011
Join the Incipient Canton of Hauksgarðr and our sponsoring
branch the Barony of Three Mountains in celebrating the start of
Spring in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge at Thompson City Park
in The Dalles, Oregon with a double elimination tourney, a potluck
feast, a personna introduction, period cooking contest, and our
“hauk in any medium” contest.
Come share your martial skills and your bardic talents. Tell us the
story of your persona as you participate in our introductory personna strut. Share a dish
with us and document your medieval
cooking skills for our period cooking contest. Or embroider
a hauk onto a banner, paint it on a box, stamp it on a coin or bake
it into a subtlety and share it with us in our “hauk in any medium” contest. For the Hauk
in any medium you have two chances to win. “Most period” with
documentation of your hauk, and our other category of “Populace
choice,” which all attendees of the event can vote on at the
Added Contest! Late breaking
Date: April 30, 2011
Site: Thompson City Park, 602 W. 2nd St, The Dalles,
OR 97058
Potluck Contributions by Modern last name: A-F: Side Dish
G-M Desert, N-Z Main Dish
Bring Feast Gear, a chair, your
table setting, and your choice of non-alcholic beverage.
This is a DRY site. Smoking is not allowed in any public park in
The Dalles on park property.
8am Setup
10 am Site Open/
Canton of Hauksgarðr hosts
a snack table for your pleasure. Contributions Welcome!
11 am Lists Open
Armor Inspection & Fighter
12 Noon Opening Melee- Loser/Winner? TBA Wins the RIGHT to fight
the Byes in the Double Elimination Tourney
12:30pm Double Elimination
Tourney1pm Best Representation of a Hauk Entries to Table
1:30pm Children’s Best Result of
a New Skill contest Judging!
2pm Judging and Voting for Best/Most Period Representation of a
Hauk in any medium Contest
2:30 pm Cooking Contest Entries to the Table by Gate
3pm Judging of Period Cooking Contest Entries
3:30 pm Potluck contributions to food tables please with filled out
ingredient cards, serving utensils, and serving sized portions.
3:45 Gate Closes
4pm Potluck Starts
Introductory Personna Strut starts- Come and
introduce yourself and if you have a personna, or not, tell us what
it is, take a strut
in front of the populace and have some
candy and share a bit about yourself. (if you don’t want to talk,
you can fill out an index card
and the MC will narrate your information! In a,
hopefully, accurate manner. ;D ) Participants get candy as a thank
5pm Court
6pm Site closes
8pm clean up
9pm park closes
Autocrat: Sannan of Hauksgarðr (Sondra
Prowett) 541-380-1635 prowett@, PO Box 186, Cascade
Locks, OR 97014
This page for event id 5574 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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