Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Adelheid Holtzfallerin
Date: June 15 , 2012 until June, 17 2012
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 15th 2012
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 17th 2012
Event site:
Warburg Community Hall
5435 50A Avenue
Warburg, AB T0C 2T0
Community Hall
5435 – 50A Ave
Warburg, AB
T0C 2T0
Camping and Archery across the street at:
5424 – 50A Ave
Warburg, AB
T0C 2T0
Come one and all and join Their Excellencies of Borealis, Reme the
Burgundian and Divera in celebrating This one year anniversary as
the Baron and Baroness of this fine land. At this welcome festival
They will be witnessing the competitions to choose the next
champions of Borealis in armoured combat, rapier combat, archery
and arts & sciences.
The culinary guild of Borealis will be providing a feast in honour
of our Baron and Baroness on Saturday evening. Feast tickets are
limited to 150 so please pre-register to ensure a plate. The menu
will be
published as soon as it is finalized.
Camping is highly encouraged!
The Warburg Legion #205 will be open late on Friday to cater to the
road weary with a regular menu as well as liquids to quench any
thirst. They will also have a lunch menu on Saturday and a
breakfast menu on Sunday.
The site will be open for camping and check in starting at 5pm on
Friday June 15 and all camp sites must be packed down by 2pm on
Sunday June 17.
The Site Schedule and Feast menu will be finalized and sent out in
Site Fees:
Adult $10
Youth (13-17) $5
Child (12 and under) Free
Feast Fees:
Adult $15
Youth (13-17) $15
Child (12 and Under) Free
$5 NMS fee’s will apply to any attendees without valid proof of
Make cheques Payable to: ASCA – Barony of Borealis
Event Steward
Adelhied Holtzfallerin
Nerissa Hymers
16231 110 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta
780-238-0053 (no calls after 10pm
please contact:
Joan the Just joanandcennet@hotmail.com
to reserve
AT nerissah@gmail.com
This page for event id 5663 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy