Silver Arrow


Hosted by Device of Bitter End

The Shire of Bitter End (Red Deer, AB)

Event Summary

Date: April 14 , 2006 until April, 16 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 14th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 16th 2006

Event site:
Aberdene Community Hall
Aberdene, AB

Silver Arrow 2006 April 14, 15, 16/2006 Shire of Bitter End
Red Deer, AB We Invite the known world to come and try your
hand at the marvelous archery tournement. A magnificent feast
will be served Bitter End Style. There will be a silent
auction, with a special auction live Sat Night. Part of
Proceeds to Principality Travel Fund The only reservation for
feast is a Paid one. So please contact one of the autocrats.
SITE OPENS- Friday 2pm Saturday Archery- 11am Heavy prize
tourney-1pm HorseShoe Competition- 2pm Sunday Site Closes –
3pm Squedule is subject and tentative to there Highnesses.
Merchants Welcome! . Contact one of the autocrats to reserve.
Site is discreetly wet. Plenty of outdoor camping space,
Limited hall crash space so please contact us soon. Site
Fee’s Site and Feast ( members)- $18.00 Offboard ( Site
only)- $6.00 Remeber Non Members pay an additional $4 NMS.
Please make Cheques payable to ASCA Shire of Bitter End
Children over 12 years old- $5.00 Directions: Aberdene
Community hall. From the QE2 hwy Take your best route to
Innisfail. Take the overpass heading east to Hwy 590. ( the
opposite direction of the town of Innisfail) Travel aprox 8km
east, Hall is on your left hand side. Site will be well
signed. Please park on the gravel. Map Avaliable. AutoCrats:
Lady Rowan Corsini 403-346-6043 Feast O crats: HL Sybell Deya
& Lord Capt Elrik Buchanan

This page for event id 4400 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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