

Hosted by Device of Three Mountains

The Barony of Three Mountains (Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Temair of Hawthorne
Date: October 30 , 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 30th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Mt Hood Masonic Lodge
527 SE 43rd St. Portland, OR 97216

Samhain Harvest Festival Barony of Three Mountains October
30, 2004 It’s harvest time! Come and celebrate the fall
harvest with the Barony of Three Mountains. We will be having
various activities as follows: Heavy Tourney Boffer Tourney
Rapier Tourney Subtlety contest Arts & Sciences no
documentation contest Rapier Eye for the Archery Guy (and
Heavy) Potluck dinner with the Barony providing the meat,
bread and butter. For the potluck, if your modern last name
starts with the letters A-Z please bring anything EXCEPT
meat, bread or butter! Masked Ball (make sure you bring a
mask!) Baronial Court Clean up The event will be on Saturday
October 30th at the Mt. Hood Masonic Lodge located at 527 SE
43rd , Portland, OR. Gate opens at 11 am. Heavy tournament
will start at 12:00. Site fee is $6, children 12 and under
$4, 3 and under free. Autocrat: Temair of Hawthorne, (503)

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