River’s Bend Defender Tourney & War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Lyra of Ascalon
Date: May 14 , 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 14th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Totem Pole Park / Port of Kalama
380 W Marine Dr. Kalama, WA 98625

The Shire of River’s Bend welcomes you to join us in our 2nd annual
heavy and rapier defender tournament and war! Schedule includes:
heavy & rapier tournaments, war scenarios, merchants, children’s
activities, and Ithra classes!

Site Fee: Members- $5.00 ages 8 and over, Non-Members- $8.00 (16 &
older), Children 7 years & under- FREE. Family cap: $25. Make checks
payable to Shire of River’s Bend, SCA Inc. Site opens at 9am and
closes at dusk.

Tentative Event Schedule:

9am: Games & Pasttimes
Field Heraldry
Children's Activities Begin
Heavy & Rapier Lists Open

11am: Rapier & Light Armor Inspection
11:30am: Rapier Tourney, followed by War Scenarios- Rapier/Light

1pm: Lunch

2pm: Heavy & Light Armor Inspection
2:30pm: Heavy Tourney, followed by War Scenarios- Heavy/Light

4pm: Banner Construction
6pm: Presentation Ceremonies

Merchants Welcome: Donation to the Shire prize box for merchant fee. All
merchants are responsible to have the appropriate paperwork. There
are no special guidelines for the City, as the site is not within City
of Kalama limits. All food merchants must be certified through the
Health Dept. Licensing questions: City of Kalama: 320 N 1st St,
Kalama, WA 98625 (360) 673-4562. Please contact the
Autocrat/Merchantcrat for reservations form at
ironharpy@ironcirclebrigade.com or check the An Tir Merchants Site.

Autocrat/Merchantcrat: HL Lyra of Ascalon  lyra@ironcirclebrigade.com; 360-261-4874 cell.

This page for event id 4115 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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