Quad War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Morrigan
Date: July 31 , 2008 until August, 4 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 31th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on August 4th 2008

Event site:
Quad War Site
Marsden, SK

Quad War –  Gather in the heart of Avacal when the war drums sound the call to arms!   Join the forces of the Coronet and their Heirs as they meet as dreaded foes and dear friends in battle!


There will be activities for everyone – War and Castle scenarios for Armoured and Rapier with plenty of combat archery too!  Tournaments for all martial activities, Target Archery, Populace shoot, Children’s activities, Bardic delights, Equestrian Games, Classes for all, Siege Cooking, Arts and Sciences competitions, Merchants and much, much, more!


Come and enjoy Avacal’s famous hospitality!

Event opens six p.m. Thursday July 31st 2008 (noon for merchants) and closes at noon on Monday August 4th   

Hosted by the Barony of Montengarde.

Event Steward – Viscountess Morrigan (Jude Harrison) #18, 643 4th Avenue NE, Calgary Alberta T2E 0J9 jude_harrison@hotmail.com  403.275.0338


Site Fee:  $25.00 per person 18 and over (add  $3.00 NMS).  17 and under FREE.  Cheques payable to MSCA.    Please bring your own drinking water – the local water is not potable.   There is no street address for this lovely private site near Marden, SK. Maps and detailed directions can be found on: www.quadwar.ca

This page for event id 4827 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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