Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Kara Bjornsdothr
Date: October 17 , 2009
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 17th 2009
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Moran Praire Grange
6006 S Palouse Hwy
Spokane, WA 99203
October 17th, 2009
Baronly of Wealdsmere
As the leaves fall from the mighty oaks of Wealdsmere and our
populace readies themselves for the coming winter, the Barony
of Wealdsmere would humbly request that you to join us for a
day of fighting, feasting, charity and friendship.
Let it be known that on the 17th day of October, our
neighbors throughout AnTir are invited to join us for our
Annual Octoberfest Toys-For-Tots Championship.
Try your hand in our heavy and rapier tourneys, A & S
competition and display and Games tournament, with entry fees to all
competitions being a new, unwrapped toy ($5 minimum) for
donation to the Marines holiday charity drive.
Additional merryment will include dancing, learning and
feasting in the general autumn splendor. Bardic will
begin immediately prior to Court.
The Barony will be providing a warm lunch for a donation, and
will supply a main course of meat and bread for the evening
feast; the feast is a potluck. If your
first SCA name begins with: A-F Appetizer,
G-O Main Dish / Meat and P – Z Side
Please pre-register for the feast by October 5th, 2009 by
emailing r_kleinpaste @ yahoo.com with the number of gentles
and first names of each in your party.
Check back in September for more information!!
(very) Schedule:
9 AM
Site Opens
10ish AM
Armor Inspection
11 AM – 2PM Toys
for Tots Tourney
12 PM – 2PM
Rapier (seperate eric)
12 PM
A & S Toys for Tots Tourney
& Populace choice
1 PM – 3 PM Games
Outdoor Games Tournament (weather depending)
2 PM – 4 PM
4 PM
Court Gathering
4 PM – 4:30PM Bardic
6 PM
9 PM
Site Fees: (NMF applied in addition to fee)
Adult day $8
6-16 day $4
five and under free
Family Cap $36
No Merchant fee, however merchants must pre-register with
autocrat and bring floor covering to protect the hardwood
floors from their booth. Hammering or fire exhibits are
not permitted indoors.
Moran Prairie Grange
6006 S Palouse Hwy
Spokane, WA 99203
This is a discreetly wet site.
Small pets allowed on site but must remail on leash at all
Owner must pickup after pet and may pay repair fees for any
damage done by pets (including tinkles on hardwood
Baroness Kara Bjornsdottir (509) 263-9499
no calls after 8 PM
handles all pre-registrations / site
HL Jannet Fletcher (509)
handles all feast information / site set
This page for event id 5065 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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