Midhaven Harvest Feast


Event Summary

Date: November 14 , 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on November 14th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Hillcrest Park
1717 S. 13th Street Mount Vernon, WA 98274


Autocrats:  Lady Avelyn de Mowbray and Duchess Angharad
Banadaspus Drakenhefd


Please note, the classes being offered are for those who have
purchased feast tickets only as space at this event is limited.
 Thanks!  We look forward to seeing are registered guests

This year’s theme for our Harvest Feast is Robin
Hood: History to Hollywood

Come and join us as we journey to Nottinghamshire, England,
where you might catch a glimpse of Robin Hood and his Merrie
Men.  Our lodge will be filled with the bounties of Sherwood
Forest to tease your taste buds and gratify your gullet. 

During the day, there will be A&S classes available, a Dirty
Half Dozen Largess Contest, games, socializing, and fighting (if
the weather allows).  The main lodge will be set up for
feasting all day, while classes and activities are being held in an
adjacent building. 

Event schedule:

12 noon – Gate

12:30-4:30pm – Adjacent building
(details for activities listed below this schedule)


Display and open discussion with Marquesa

Games and socializing

Dirty Half Dozen Competition

5pm – Feast Hall



Dessert Auction


Classes – If
you have any questions or wish to reserve a seat in any of these
classes, please contact Lady Avelyn de Mowbray


Class: Your’s Truly, King Arthur (Calligraphy

Teacher: Dame Tamlyn of Wyntersea

Description: Learn how to write your
name using Gothic Textura 
(Blackletter) and then learn the rest of a basic
lowercase alphabet.

Materials provided.  Will take any age student that has
learned cursive writing.  Class Limit: 8


Class:  Hand-finishing seams

Teacher:  Duchess Dagmaer in Hvassa

Description:  Duchess Dagmaer will be available from
12:30-4pm to demonstrate how to hand finish seams on your garments.
 This will be a hands-on open demonstration and teaching
experience.  Come with your questions, any project you may
wish for feedback or assistance with, and scissors. She will have
some supplies to practice stitches with.  

Class:  Arrow fletching

Teacher:  Sir Andras Truemark



Class – Fighter Training

Teacher:  Duke Thorin Njalsson

Duke Thorin will be onsite to give fighter instruction.  This
class will be hands on and held outside in the park grounds.
 Exact location of this class will be given when you check in
at gate.  


Display by the
current Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champion!

Marquesa Laurellen de Brandevin will be
coming to our event to share some of her amazing works of art with
us! She will have a display set up in our adjacent building where
the A&S classes and Largesse Contest will be held. Marquesa
Laurellen will be available to answer questions about entering
A&S competitions, about her art, or any other related topics.
You don’t want to miss this!

Dirty Half
Dozen Contest details

Entries must be six similar items such as six needle books,
hats, sewing kits, or other item that is good for largesse.
 You may have multiple entries so long as each entry has six
items.  If we have at least 3 youth entries, we will have a
separate contest for them.  Judging will be by populace choice
with a token provided at gate.  The winner(s) will receive one
item from each entry in their contest.  All other items will
be used by the Shire for largesse.  Contest will start at noon
and end before the feast.  Please contact Lady Avelyn de
Mowbray (avelyndemowbray@gmail.com) with any questions.




First Course –

Olye Soppes – Onion Soup

Hattes –Hat shaped fried savory pastries

Wortes – Cooked Greens

Pomme d’ Orange – Illusion Meatballs

 Second Course-

Roast Pork and/or Chicken

Pease Porridge with Onions

Potage of Rice

Trayn Roste – Fried skewers of Apples and Parsnips (illusion
to look like fried innards)

 Third Course

Caudell – Warm eggnog style spiced wine

Tourtolettes in Fuyture – Fried Fig pies

Venison in Broth – Beef ribs in sauce

Tart de Bry or Tart of Spinach.

        Duck Pies

For any allergy or food related questions, please contact Lady
Miriam di Asolo by email: sayyadeea390@gmail.com or by phone:



We will be holding our annual dessert auction near the end of
the feast.  Come and bid on these tasty treats – some of them
have become very popular favorites.  Donations of desserts for
the auction are welcome.  Funds raised from this auction will
go to support the Shire’s martial activities and equipment.



  • Adults (18+): $20 ($5 non-member surcharge applies if your
    membership is not current on the day of the event).
  • Youth (10 – 17): $10
  • Children (9 and under): Free

Reservations and prepayment are required!  Reservations are
on a first come basis and are only finalized when we have confirmed
receipt of prepayment with you.  If you wish to share your
table with friends, please specify your request on your reservation
form as seating will be marked with place cards at the

Reservations are now closed.

Lord Michael FitzGeoffrey is handling reservations.  Please
email him with any questions regarding reservations at



This page for event id 6277 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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