Mid Summer’s Defenders


Hosted in-person by Device of Hartwood

The Shire of Hartwood (Nanaimo, Campbell River, Courtenay, Port Alberni, BC )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Thyra Svensdottir
Date: July 26 , 2024 until July, 28 2024
Site opens at: 4:00 PM on July 26th 2024
Site closes at: 3:00 PM on July 28th 2024

Event site:
9780 Somers Road Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8N9

Welcome to Hartwood’s Mid Summer’s Defenders

Come to our Camelot in the Heart of Hartwood to see our martial defenders find worthy successors!

Our Archery, Heavy, Rapier and Thrown weapons Defender challenges will all be held in our picturesque ‘Camelot’, nestled in Hartwood’s western woodlands.

Event Fee: Adult non-members $35. Youth 17 and under are free. Members will receive a $10 discount. Make checks payable to  SCA – Shire of Hartwood.

Directions: Following Highway 4 west and turn right on to Beaver Creek Rd, at a Y junction (with Comox Trail) follow the only paved option and it’s now become Somers Rd. The property gate (on your left) will be well marked by gate opening.

Schedule: Rapier and Heavy Defenders will take place in the morning, while Archery and Thrown Weapons will be in the afternoon. Schedule is open to some flexibility to ensure the tourneys have the time they need, but check back closer to the event for rough times.

There will also be some bardic workshops, and a period Archery challenge for fun.

Site Notes:

Water: Please be advised the site is remote from stores and lacks potable water or other modern services. Bring your own water.

Fires: There is currently a campfire ban in place. Camp stoves and Propane fire bowls are permitted at this time, subject to change.

Pets: Pets are permitted but must be on leash as per An Tir leash laws. Be aware this is a rural site with local wildlife nearby such as eagles and bears, that could pose a risk to unattended small pups.

Hazards: There is a small, shallow creek on site, with rough access. This is a fish-bearing creek, and the water has not been tested for human consumption. We ask visitors to be respectful and use caution nearby; no dumping grey water into it. There are also quarries nearby with small cliffs/steep banks, though the areas cleared for our use are safe.

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - Tir Righ
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities
Has Bardic activities
Allows pets (check for details)

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Map Unavailable

Event Schedule


3:00pmGate OpensSite-wide
MidnightQuiet TimeSite-wide


8:00amGate OpensSite-wide
8:30am – 9:00amSeneschal’s Audience – Rapier and H. Armoured challengers declare. Rapier Inspection to Follow.List Field
9:00am – 10:30Rapier Defender TourneyList Field
10:30 – 10:45H. Armour inspection. List field reset.List Field
10:45am – 12:15pmHeavy Armoured Defender TourneyList Field
12:15pm – 1:00pmLunchSite-wide
Also, 12:15pm – 1:00pmIntro to Campfire BardicClass Pavillion
1:00pm – 1:30pmSeneschal’s Audience – Archer and Thrown Weapons challengers declare. Archery inspection to follow.Ranged Field
1:30pm – 3:00pmArchery Defender TourneyRanged Field
Also at 1:30pmBardic Challenge and workshopClass Pavillion
3:00pm – 3:15pmThrown Weapons Inspection.Ranged Field
3:15pm – 4:45pmThrown Weapons Defender TourneyRanged Field
At their Highnesses DiscretionCourtNear list fields
MidnightQuiet timeSite-wide


TBDPeriod Archery ShootRanged Field
3:00pmSite ClosesSite-wide

Tournament Information

A drawn map of the site showing the entry gate at the bottom, archery and thrown weapons fields to the right; Rapier, Armoured, and court fields to the left, and the Royal encampment just beyond; the toilets and event steward's camp at the base of a long field stretching to the right; parking and smoking pit at the end of the road near the top.                   A visual layout of the site.

Rapier Defender Tourney

Quote, “This year’s rapier tourney is going to be AWESOME!” featuring Camelot-themed off-hand weaponry and RBGs!

Promotional Video

Heavy Armoured Defender Tourney

The Heavy Armoured tourney will feature a Valhalla style tourney, with a possible grand melee at the end.

Promotional Video

Archery Defender Tourney

Attack the castle, defend your knight, and slay the questing beast!

Promotional Video

Thrown Weapons Defender Tourney

The Thrown Weapons tourney will feature a barroom brawl. Pointy weapons everywhere!

Promotional Video

Period Archery Tourney

The archery will be a Period Challenge by the Marksman of Seagirt, Lord Maurus Ioinur. All are encouraged to bring period bows and arrows. Some will be provided as loners. Period targets will be used as well, and a prize will be awarded to the winner.

Classes Offered

These are casual, non-credited drop in classes.

Intro to campfire bardic. If Anne can do it so can you!
Saturday, 12:15 – 1
Class Pavillion

Topics include performance anxiety, what to perform, what stops you from performing, hints and tips and whatever else we decide to discuss. Bring pen and paper for notes, and a chair to be comfortable.

Bardic challenge & workshop, with Theodora van Zeeland
Saturday Afternoon, 1:30

I challenge all bards, whether you think you’re a wanna-be or experienced, to come perform your works in progress. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN SHOW-READY PERFORMANCES; DO NOT BRING THEM!* I want the stuff you want to perform like s star, but you think is half-baked, nerve-wracked, awkward, uncomfortable, partway there, has potential, makes you sweat, makes you dream, is on its way, is getting better, still needs practice…. You can perform just for me, or for an audience of your fellow bards. You can perform for feedback, or for practice. This is a safe space to try new things and practice being in front of an audience.
*Bring them to the event, just not to this class.
Please bring a chair for your own comfort.

Heraldic Challenge
Saturday, ongoing
Worksheets can be picked up at Gate

There will be a self-directed heraldry challenge during the event, open to everyone. No previous heraldry knowledge is necessary to participate, though you’ll have some when you’re through! Wordfame, bragging rights, and a few small prizes may be involved, though it’s not a competition.

This page for event id 7936 was last updated: July 25, 2024
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy