Mermaids tourney


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rhyannan of Pembroke Castle
Date: July 4 , 2003 until July, 6 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 4th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 6th 2003

Event site:
Kent&#039s Beach Campsite
Powell River, BC

Powell River, BC    July 4,5,6, 2003

Once again the Mermaid of False Isle is beckoning people to come join her in her Sixth Annual Mermaid’s Tourney. The emphasis for the tourney is, as always, on pageantry and gallantry. Heraldic display on shields, surcoats, banners, and helms is highly encouraged. This is a camping event. There will be a Pas d’Arms fighting tournament, which will include rapier and heavy fighting, an archery competition (target and combat) and a boffer competition. We will have a communal gathering on Saturday evening where people bring their own food to sup and socialize.  Braziers will be available.

When darkness falls we will once again have Moonbagging, shoot Flaming Arrows into the Ocean and a bardic circle on the beach. The prize for our Arts & Sciences competition will go to the best tribute to our Mermaid, be it in song, verse, drawing, carving, performance or any medium. The site will be Kent’s Beach Campsite. It is located right on the ocean (not too far away from our famous Mermaid under the sea) and only moments away from the Saltery Bay ferry terminal. This is a beautiful site on a lovely beach.

Visit False Isle’s website at:  for more details.
For up to date ferry schedules go to:
*Note about ferries:  Please make sure to arrive an hour or two before your sailing, as this is a very busy time of year.  Check out group reservations and possible discount rates on their website.

SITE INFO: The site (14171 Sunshine Coast Highway, Powell River, BC, V8A 4Z2) opens around noon on Friday and closes around 6:00 PM on Sunday (times are flexible). The site fee is $15.00 per person for the weekend or $7.50 per person per day. There is no charge for children under the age of 12. Make checks payable to “The Shire of False Isle”. Please note, all fires must be above ground. There is running water that is drinkable, and there will be a food merchant on site.  More details on their menu will soon be posted on the False Isle website. There are nice clean bathrooms with coin operated showers (cost: a loonie ($1.00) per  7 Ã?½ minutes). Electricity and laundry facilities are available. This is a wet site. Merchants are welcome and will only be charged for their camping site fee. Pets are welcome, but MUST be leashed at all times.  Don’t forget your sunscreen and bug repellant.

AUTOCRAT: HL Rhyannan of Pembroke Castle (Wendy Lewis)  (604) 485-7234
ASSISTANT AUTOCRAT: Lady Saeunn Hrafnsdottir (Valerie McKeen) (604) 485-5188

From the US head north on the I-5 to Vancouver, BC

From Vancouver, BC take the ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale.  Drive approximately 1-Ã?½ hours, easy driving time, to Earl’s Cove ferry terminal. Take the ferry to Saltery Bay.  Coming off the ferry follow Highway 101 north for 2.4 km, turn left at the BIG water wheel (Kent’s Beach Campsite). Note: There are two ferries to get to Powell River from Vancouver, but you only pay for one.  It is the same fare as going to Vancouver Island.

From the Vancouver Island (Comox) ferry, go straight off the ferry to Marine Avenue (2 blocks).  Turn right, follow Highway 101 south for 28 km, turn right at the BIG waterwheel (Kent’s Beach Campsite).

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