Mermaid’s Tourney


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Rhyannan of Pembroke Castle
Date: July 5 , 2002 until July, 7 2002
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 5th 2002
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 7th 2002

Event site:
Kent&#039s Beach Campsite
Powell River, BC

Powell River, BC

July 5,6,7, 2002

The Shire of False Isle invites the Populace of An Tir to their Fifth Annual
Mermaid’s Tourney. The emphasis for the tourney is pageantry and gallantry.
Heraldic display on helms, shields, surcoats, banners, etc. is highly
encouraged. This is a camping event. There will be a Pas d’Arms Fighting
Tournament, which will include Heavy and Rapier fighting. There will also be
an Archery Competition and a Boffer Competition. We are thrilled this year
to have HL Zoran Dolmar of Dragonhead, (Puppeteer Extraordinaire!) coming to
entertain all, with his puppet shows. Games and a scavenger hunt are also
being planned. We will have a communal meal on Saturday evening so we can
all gather together to sup and socialize. Several cooking braziers will be

When darkness falls on Saturday we will have Moonbagging, shoot Flaming
Arrows into the Ocean (it’s perfected now!) and a bardic contest on the
beach. The reward for our Arts & Sciences competition will go to the best
tribute to our Mermaid, be it in song, verse, drawing, carving…….feel
free to be creative. The site will be Kent’s Beach Campsite. It is located
right on the ocean (not too far away from False Isle’s famous Mermaid under
the sea) and only moments away from the Saltery Bay ferry terminal. This is
a beautiful site on a lovely beach.

Visit: or False Isle’s website at:

For up to date ferry schedules go to:

SITE INFO: The site (14171 Sunshine Coast Highway, Powell River, BC, V8A
4Z2) opens around noon on Friday and closes around 6:00 PM on Sunday (times
are flexible). The site fee is $15.00 per person for the weekend or $7.50
per person per day. There is no charge for children under the age of 12.
Make checks payable to “The Shire of False Isle”. Please note, all fires
must be above ground. The site has running water, but it should be boiled
before drinking. There are nice clean bathrooms with coin operated showers
(cost: a loonie ($1.00) per 7 ½ minutes). Electricity and laundry
facilities are available. This is a wet site. Merchants are welcome and will
only be charged for their camping site fee. Pets are welcome, but MUST be
leashed during Combat and Archery.

AUTOCRAT: Lady Rhyannan of Pembroke Castle (Wendy Lewis) 6843 Alberni
Street, Powell River, BC V8A 2B3 (604) 485-7234
ASSISTANT AUTOCRAT: Lady Saeunn Hrafnsdottir (Valerie McKeen) (604) 485-5188

DIRECTIONS: From the Vancouver Island (Comox) ferry, go straight off the
ferry to Marine Avenue (2 blocks). Turn right, follow Highway 101 south for
28 km, turn right at the BIG waterwheel (Kent’s Beach Campsite).

From Vancouver take the ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale. Drive
approximately 1-½ hours, easy driving time, to Earl’s Cove ferry terminal.
Take the ferry to Saltery Bay. Coming off the ferry follow Highway 101
north for 2.4 km, turn left at the BIG water wheel (Kent’s Beach Campsite).
Note: There are two ferries to get to Powell River from Vancouver, but you
only pay for one. It is the same fare as going to Vancouver Island.
Lady Rhyannan

Only three short weeks away!

Powell River, BC

July 5,6,7, 2002

The Shire of False Isle invites the Populace of An Tir to their Fifth Annual Mermaid’s Tourney. The emphasis for the tourney is pageantry and gallantry. Heraldic display on helms, shields, surcoats, banners, etc. is highly encouraged. This is a camping event. There will be a Pas d’Arms Fighting Tournament, which will include Heavy and Rapier fighting. There will also be an Archery Competition and a Boffer Competition. We are thrilled this year to have HL Zoran Dolmar of Dragonhead, (Puppeteer Extraordinaire!) coming to entertain all, with his puppet shows. Games and a scavenger hunt are also being planned. We will have a communal meal on Saturday evening so we can all gather together to sup and socialize. Several cooking braziers will be available.

When darkness falls on Saturday we will have Moonbagging, shoot Flaming Arrows into the Ocean (it’s perfected now!) and a bardic contest on the beach. The reward for our Arts & Sciences competition will go to the best tribute to our Mermaid, be it in song, verse, drawing, carving.feel free to be creative. The site will be Kent’s Beach Campsite. It is located right on the ocean (not too far away from False Isle’s famous Mermaid under the sea) and only moments away from the Saltery Bay ferry terminal. This is a beautiful site on a lovely beach.

Visit False Isle’s website at:

For up to date ferry schedules go to:
It is highly recommended that you plan on arriving early at the ferry terminal, as this is a very busy time of year. Also The International Choral KATHAUMIXW will be celebrating their 10th international festival, which could generate extra traffic.

SITE INFO: The site (14171 Sunshine Coast Highway, Powell River, BC, V8A 4Z2) opens around noon on Friday and closes around 6:00 PM on Sunday (times are flexible). The site fee is $15.00 per person for the weekend or $7.50 per person per day. There is no charge for children under the age of 12. Make checks payable to “The Shire of False Isle”. Please note, all fires must be above ground. The site has running water, but it should be boiled before drinking. There are nice clean bathrooms with coin operated showers (cost: a loonie ($1.00) per 7 ½ minutes). Electricity and laundry facilities are available. This is a wet site. Merchants are welcome and will only be charged for their camping site fee. Pets are welcome, but MUST be leashed during Combat and Archery.

AUTOCRAT: Lady Rhyannan of Pembroke Castle (Wendy Lewis) 6843 Alberni Street, Powell River, BC V8A 2B3 (604) 485-7234
ASSISTANT AUTOCRAT: Lady Saeunn Hrafnsdottir (Valerie McKeen) (604) 485-5188

DIRECTIONS: From Vancouver take the ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale. Drive approximately 1-½ hours, easy driving time, to Earl’s Cove ferry terminal. Take the ferry to Saltery Bay. Coming off the ferry follow Highway 101 north for 2.4 km, turn left at the BIG water wheel (Kent’s Beach Campsite).
Note: There are two ferries to get to Powell River from Vancouver, but you only pay for one. It is the same fare as going to Vancouver Island.

From the Vancouver Island (Comox) ferry, go straight off the ferry to Marine Avenue (2 blocks). Turn right, follow Highway 101 south for 28 km, turn right at the BIG waterwheel (Kent’s Beach Campsite).

——————- (Judy Harcus)

I have ‘acquired’ the job of organizing camping spaces for False Isle’s
Mermaid Tourney (July 5-7, Powell River, BC). I will be taking
reservations for:
– camp spaces within the ‘Enchanted Area’
– camp spaces for large encampments
– camp spaces for those with extenuating needs
(others do not need to reserve).
Reservations will be taken up until Wednesday, July 3 after which it’s
take your chances when you arrive. I would greatly appreciate it if you
contacted me well before this date. I will respond to all requests for
space, so if you do not get a response from me within two days, you may
wish to contact me again to verify I got your request. (Note: I will be
away Friday June 28 to Sunday June 30 so will not respond during that
time.) Please contact me with the information listed at the bottom of
this message.

This year we will have an ‘Enchanted Area’ around the eric. If you will
be camping in a period pavilion, you may reserve space within the
enchanted area.

Those who require a large space for their encampment may also reserve
space in advance. This is recommended if you expect to arrive late.

If you have some special requirements (wheelchair access, etc.), contact
me and I will see if we can find a spot that meets your needs.

Contact Alicia le Wilfulle – email (preferred) or phone
604-483-4642 (ask for Alicia or Stephen).
Please provide the following information:
* Camping area – enchanted or regular?
Note: no mundane looking tents, etc. in the enchanted area, please.

* Space needed – with and without guy lines, etc.?
Note: space may be tight in some areas, so please only ask for the space
you need. If you have guy lines extending out from your tent, please
provide dimensions both with and without guy ropes as we may ask you to
cross guy lines with your neighbor in some cases.

* If space is not square/circular, is your access on the long or short
Note: this allows me to ensure you can get into your tent :-).

* Do you have special requirements? (wheelchair access, level ground,
Note: most of the areas I will be reserving are fairly level or with
only a very slight slope. If you must have an area without any slope,
etc. I will try to accommodate you.

* Estimated time of arrival?
Note: I will try to be on hand Friday evening and Saturday morning to
direct you to your reserved spot. Knowing when you are likely to arrive
(I know we have ferries involved here and therefore you may not arrive
when expected), it will better enable me to be on hand when you arrive.

* Best way/time to contact you if I need more information?
Note: Please provide me with as much information as possible as to your
needs. I will be reserving space on a first come, first serve basis.
If I have to contact you because you didn’t provide enough information,
you’ll be further down the list (I’m going to be quite busy so if you
make more work for me, I’m likely to get grumpy!)

Alicia le Wilfulle
Shire of False Isle
——————– (Stephen Fryer)

To all my friends, whether I have met you yet or not, coming to the Mermaid’s
Tourney, greetings!

There will be a Bardic Circle around the fire on the beach on Saturday evening
where all are invited to join in and sing songs or tell stories.

In order to promote both creativity and “periodness” there will be a prize for
the best filk to a Period tune. Writing new words to popular tunes was a very
common practice in the Middle Ages (when it was referred to by the Latin term
“contrafactum” – “counterfait”) and Renaissance. Some documentation will be
required to establish that the tune is indeed “Period.”

If possible, give your documentation and intention of competing to Stephen of
Hunmanby prior to the Bardic Fire.

If you have any questions or need assistance finding period tunes, please
contact me.

We look forward to seeing and hearing you at the fire!

In Service to the Music and the Dream
Stephen of Hunmanby

This page for event id 3288 was last updated: October 31, 2021
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