Hosted by
The Shire of Druim Doineann (Port Angeles – Clallam & Jefferson counties, WA ) INACTIVE
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): karl marcus wolfgang III
Date: May 4 , 2018 until May, 6 2018
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 4th 2018
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on May 6th 2018
Event site:
Clallam County Fairgrounds
1608 West 16th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Maypole is the Shire of Druim Doineann’s annual public
demonstration and celebration of the coming of Spring. We will be
hosting the event at the Clallam County Fairgrounds in Port
Angeles, as we do every year. We are using the west side of the
fairgrounds, so our entrance will be the yellow colored gate, the
Yellow Gate is located on South L St, between the airport and the
Shire website with event info – Druim Doineann
The site opens Friday, May 4th at 9:00 am for vendors and 10:00 am
for campers. We are open to the public on Saturday, May
5th ( Cinco De Mayo) from 10:00 – 6:00. Site closes at
6:00 pm, Sunday, May 6th.
This is our public demo, we respectfully request that all mundane
items be stowed away the whole day of Saturday as the camping area
is not closed from the public eye.
We have scheduled our Heavy, Rapier, Archery and Thrown Weapons
Championship, this will indeed be a grand day of fighting and fun.
The biggest addition to this wonderful event will be a York Range,
yes that is correct, there will be a YORK shoot. You can find the details on the
above linked shire website or in the schedule below.
Unfortunately there will NOT be any equestrian activities this
year. (Volunteers please contact the event steward at
Bards are
encouraged to perform all day. Bard rocks will be handed out at
Gate, if you like what you have heard from the bard, gift them a
bard rock. We will end the public demonstration portion
of the event with a dance around the Maypole! Bring your drums to
pound out a beat or beat your feet and have a merry time weaving
the ribbons!
Vendors Registration
is now closed.
Camping –
We have plenty of camping space for all. Camping registration for
large groups and RV’s is now CLOSED.
Garbage cans will be available, but pack out what you can,
The site does NOT allow for our four legged friends, please make
arrangements to leave them at home.
The site is on the west end of the Clallam County Fairgrounds. Gas
and charcoal fires are preferred and all fires must be at least 18â€
off the ground. The site also has a public restroom and working
showers, so bring plenty of quarters! Please leave the premises in
like or better condition so we can come back next year.
Please be aware this public demo will be held on a county property,
we would like to remind everyone that the site is DISCREETLY damp.
We encourage the use of period containers. The public is not
blocked from entering the camping area, so they may wander through.
Be aware of what personal belongings you have on
Site fee Adult
is $20, $15 for adult member discount rate. Adult is considered to
be (18+), 17 and under are free. There is a $40 family cap (mundane
families only!). Suggested day trip (Saturday only) fee is $10 for
adults, 17 and under are free. (Note: if you don’t have proof of
current SCA Membership, you will not receive the member discount
The schedule as of now: 4/24/18
Friday – Set up and getting people their campsites.
9:00 — Gate opens for vendors
10:00 — Gate opens for all.
6:00 pm – Torch Light York
Saturday –
9:00 Armor inspection
10:00 – Fighter warm
up and training.
11:30 Secondary armor inspection for the
12:00 Heavy Championship
12:00 Archery – YORK Shoot
1:00 – Rapier warm up
and training
3:00 Rapier Championship – See Facebook page linked above for
3:00 Thrown Weapons Championship
—— Maypole dance will begin after the last tournament,
approximately 5:00
Sunday –
8:30 – Broke yoke YORK
18:00 – Everyone must be off
For additional information, please contact the Event Steward at
This page for event id 6871 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
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