

Hosted in-person by Device of Glymm Mere

The Barony of Glymm Mere (Thurston, Grays Harbor, and South Mason counties, WA )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Zanetta Zavatta
Date: March 29 , 2025
Site opens at: 9:00 AM on March 29th 2025
Site closes at: 7:00 PM

Event site:
Oakville Grange
405 S. Temple St Oakville, WA 98568

This is a Level 1: Other (Branch primary events of regional or Kingdom interest) event.

Glymm Mere’s Arts and Sciences and Bardic Championships.


Bring a picnic lunch to the rustic Oakville Grange and join Glymm Mere for an eventful day featuring the A&S and Bardic Championships; A&S classes; and a craft supply swap/barter/sell swap meet-style area.

Lyceum will include a craft swap meet style area. If you are interested in offering craft supplies stash items for barter/sell/trade at the event, please sign up using the linked form. This will allow me to properly setup space at the event for anyone wishing to participate in this part of the event.


In addition, the event steward– Zanetta Zavatta– will be running a dirty half-dozen largesse contest.  Largesse can be donated as six similar items.  We will have them displayed for voting by the attending populace over the course of the day and whoever receives the most votes will get to pick one of the donated items, the rest will go into largesse.


Schedule to be posted prior to the event.

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Accepts PayPal
Has Classes
Has Bardic activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities

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Add all events from Glymm Mere to your personal calendar (ical format)

Map Unavailable

Registration Information

Pre Reg Link

Accessibility Information

There is a ramp into the building.

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Non- Member $25
Youth free
*SCA Members will receive a $10 member discount off the cost listed above.

Tournament Information

Soon the time will be upon us to choose new Glymm Mere Champions in arts and sciences and the bardic disciplines. Their Excellencies are now accepting letters of intent to compete. Said letters should be emailed to and

Letters of intent are due by March 22, 2025,  They are not required but are greatly appreciated as it allows us to better schedule enough time to give all of our competitors the attention they deserve.


The formats will be as follows:


Arts and Sciences – We will again be using an Atheneum-style format. You will have an area to set up your display and over the course of the competition, Their Excellencies and a team of selected advisors will come around to learn about and discuss your project. It does not need to be a historical recreation; it may be an original work in a historical style. Be prepared to tell us about the style, you are the expert here teaching us. Even if it is a historical recreation, you are still the expert teaching us. It does not need to be perfectly period materials or methods. Sometimes those materials no longer exist or are cost prohibitive. Be able to tell us what would have been used in the period the entry would have come from and why you opted for a different material or method.


Bardic – Each competitor will be expected to perform two pieces for Their Excellencies and their panel of advisors. The pieces performed may be period, historically inspired, or inspired by the SCA. Entries must be family-friendly – bawdy is period and we’re down for it, but let’s save it for an evening bardic. The stipulation of these two performances is that they must evoke two different emotions. Make us laugh, make us cry, make us fall in love, send us off to war, the choice is yours but they must be different from each other. The winner will also be asked to perform one or both during evening court. The type of performance is also up to the performer; recite poetry, sing, play music, tell a story, or act a scene from a play, we love live performances and are open to exploring formats.


If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact Their Excellencies at the above email addresses.


Thank you. We look forward to seeing the amazing talent of our populace on display.

This page for event id 8540 was last updated: March 9, 2025
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