Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Miriel de Beauvallet
Date: June 27 , 2008 until June, 29 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 27th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 29th 2008
Event site:
Meadowbrook Farm
1711 Boalch Ave NE
North Bend, WA 98045
Their Excellencies Ragnarr and Bergdis bid you to join Them as They host tournaments to choose the new Heavy, Rapier and Archery Champions of the great lands of Madrone.
Equestrian activities are planned, including a challenge course of various skills, jousting and trail rides. A spectator area will be set up to encourage the populace to view the horse activities.
Field of Cloth of Gold activities will be held on Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday. We are pleased to welcome our neighboring Baronies, to join us in the competitions! A list of games has been updated on the “Schedule” page.
Youth activities will include a Youth Armored Combat Tournament for ages 12 and up, and a Foam Weapon Tourney for the younger children.
Merchant information is available on the new “Merchants” tab.
Madrone Culinary Guild’s famous Dessert Auction will be held on Saturday evening, following Court.
Date: Friday, June 27 – Sunday, June 29, 2008
Autocrat: Miriel de Beauvallet
Site Info: This year’s event will take place at the new site in North Bend where September Crown is to be held.
Meadowbrook Farms http://www.meadowbrookfarmpreserve.org/
1711 Boalch Ave.
North Bend, WA 98045
Site opens on Friday, June 27 at 3:00 PM and closes on Sunday, June 29 at 5:00 PM.
Site Fee: $15 for Adults (16 and up); $8 for Youth 8-15; and Children 7 and under are free.
Non-member surcharge will be in effect ($3) and you must have proof of membership.
There is a $10 per horse haul-in fee to cover insurance and other expenses.
Make checks payable to “Barony of Madrone, SCA, Inc.”
Notes about the Site:
From I-90:
From SR 202:
This page for event id 4861 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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