Hosted by
The College of Cranehaven (Chelan & Douglas counties, WA )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sherae Namara
Date: June 25 , 2010 until June, 27 2010
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 25th 2010
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 27th 2010
Event site:
Peshastin-Dryden elementary School
10001 School Dr.
Peshastin, WA 98847
Greetings to all
women fighters, fencers, archers and A&S competitors. The
College of Cranehaven will be holding our 5th Lioness
Tournament in beautiful Peshastin, WA the weekend of June
25-27, 2010. Saturday’s events will be dedicated to women’s
competitions in heavy fighting, fencing, archery, Box
Tournament, A&S (no documentation required), and Bardic.
Participants in each event will automatically be entered for
the Iron Woman competition. You don’t have to enter all
events in order to be included, but the more events you enter
the better your chances of winning the all around. Join us
Saturday evening for a pot luck dinner and the bardic
competition. Sunday we will have open competitions for men
and women in heavy, rapier, and archery.
event is dedicated to the memory of Lady Eowyn who was the
epitome of warrior women in An Tir. She was renown for her
prowess in heavy fighting, fencing and archery.
hold this event every other year, so don’t miss out on this
one! Merchants are welcome.
Lioness Overall Champion
tournament entrant will donate one item for entry into the
prize basket. Prizes will be awarded for each division and
the overall champion from the donated items.
points based on placement in each division and divisions
entered will determine the overall champion. Points will be
awarded for the following divisions: Heavy armored combat,
Rapier, Target Archery, Box Tourney, A&S, and Bardic. The
points will be awarded as follows:
participant who enters a division but does not place in that
division will receive one point. The points will be tallied
at the conclusion of the Bardic competition that will be held
during the potluck.
This page for event id 5379 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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