Last Chance Tournament


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Adelheide Leeawin
Date: September 5 , 2008 until September, 7 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 5th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 7th 2008

Event site:
Silver Spurs Saddle Club
8000 Nels Nelson Rd. Bremerton, WA 98311

Regional conflicts allowed.

Before the rains come again and the fair breezes begin to
cool, come to Dragon’s Laire for one Last Chance to
enjoy all that the tourney season has to offer!  Baron
Cedric and Baroness Brighid invite all archers, 
throwers, heavy fighters, rapier fighters, and youth
combatants to vie for the honor of being a Champion of
Dragon’s Laire.
For those who prefer gentler pursuits, there are contests as
well.  Decorate your encampment with the sort of dragon
your persona would have imagined.  Costume a stuffed
dragon as though it were competing in one of the
event’s martial championships.  Cook as though the
site were under siege.
A soap-making demonstration is planned, and the
Dragon’s Laire artisans will have all sorts of things
on display for you to delight in and, perhaps, try for
After Saturday evening court, there will be a potluck Feast
of Past Champions.  Dragon’s Laire will be
providing spit-roasted pork.  If your modern last name
begins with A-J, please bring a fruit or vegetable
dish; if your modern last name begins with K-R, please bring
any other sort of side dish; if your modern last name begins
with S-Z, please bring dessert.

Weekend fee: Adult (18+) $10.  Non-member surcharge of
$3 applies; Youth (5-17) $5; Children 4 and under
Daytrip fee:  Adult (18+) $7.  Non-member surcharge
of $3 applies; Youth (5-17) $4; Children 4 and under
Make checks payable to: Barony of Dragon’s Laire, SCA

The site opens at Noon on Friday and closes at 5 p.m. on


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