Last Chance


Event Summary

Date: August 8 , 2014 until August, 10 2014
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 8th 2014
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on August 10th 2014

Event site:
Kitsap Saddle Club
1470 Saddle Club Road SE Port Orchard, WA 98366-3801

Last Chance Tourney – Barony of Dragon’s Laire (Kitsap
County, WA)

Aug 8-10, 2014

Come one, come all to the Barony Of Dragon’s Laire’s annual combat
championships!  On the weekend of Aug 8-10th, there will be
mighty deeds done as gentles strive for the honor of the Heavy
Armored, Rapier, Thrown Weapons, and Archery Championships.
 Those who succeed will represent the Barony in these fields
for the following year.


After a day of hard and honorable combat and effort, the Barony and
our guests will come together for a potluck feast, with the Barony
providing the meat – cooked by no less than THL Thangbrand!
 After the feast we can spend the evening with our friends
telling tales around the campfires.


Watch this site for more announcements and

site will open at 3PM on Fri, and the event will close at 3PM on
Sunday with everyone off-site by 6PM.

and trailers are welcome, but please pre-register.  There are
no hookups available.

Steward: THL Theodoric The Scholar


Lady Marion of Dragonslaire

weekend/$12 day fee (Adults), $10 weekend/$10 day fee (Youths and
Children).  ($5 NMS fee applies.)  Make checks payable
to: The Barony of Dragon’s Laire, SCA Inc.

This page for event id 6160 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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