Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Alis inghean Ruaidhri
Date: May 30 , 2008 until June, 1 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on May 30th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 1th 2008
Event site:
The Uplands
Port Gamble, WA 98364
.June Faire XXVI Barony Of Dragon’s Laire May 30-June 1
2008 Uplands Port Gamble, Wa Their Excellencies Cedric and
Brighid invite you to join with their populace as we
celebrate our 26th annual June Faire for a full weekend of
festivities. Experience feats of armored combat, the finesse
of rapier, high flying missiles, the skillful displays of
artisans and the beauty of the bardic arts. As well as some
of the finest, handpicked merchants in the known world. This
is our annual Demo for the public, please show off your best
for the moderns who attend. The Faire is moving this year to
a beautiful, newly developed yet, primitive site within the
Port Gamble community just a few minutes on foot, from town
and amenities. The site is without power or water and we
encourage you to prepare for all possibilities. Visit
www.portgamble.com for community info Town Address: 1 View
Way, Port Gamble Wa, 98364. SCA Hours: Friday 10AM- Sunday
5pm Camping Fees are $10 per Adult $5 per Minor (5-17) 4 and
under free; 30.00 Family Cap NMS of 3.00 applies. Day Trip is
$5/ 15 and under free adult/minor. Make checks payable to
“Barony of Dragons Laire, SCA inc.” Event
Chairman Contact: HL Alis inghean Ruaidhri (Wendy Zehrung)
3053 Albacore Circle J1, Silverdale, WA. 98315 (360) 697-7404
alisarts@aol.com Camp Coordinator: HL Renart (the fox) of
Berwick: renart@centurytel.net Pre-Registration: Heidi:
This page for event id 4810 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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