Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Arontius of Bygelswade
Date: July 14 , 2006 until July, 16 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 14th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 16th 2006
Event site:
Port Gamble- Olympic Property Group
1 View Way
Port Gamble, WA 98364
JULY 14 – 16, 2006 PORT GAMBLE, WA
The Barony of Dragon’s Laire welcomes all to witness the Coronation of the Heirs to the Mighty King Sven and the Beautiful Queen Signy as They take Their rightful places upon the Sable Throne of An Tir.
This weekend of July Coronation also bears witness to the challenge required of all those who would compete to become the next Champion of An Tir.
Other activities over the weekend will include Arts and Sciences displays (including a Phred), Archery and Thrown Weapons, other marshallate activities, Bardic performances of all kinds, as well as the many meetings usually associated with a Coronation Event.
VOLUNTEERS: July Coronation is a Kingdom of An Tir event. Much help will be needed in order to make the event a successful one. Please contact the July Coronation Volunteer Coordinator, THL Alis inghean Ruaidhri, alisarts@aol.com . She will schedule you for as much time as you are willing to commit.
HERALDS: Fighters, have your qualities and accomplishments been heralded, BY YOUR OWN HERALD. At this years July Coronation, fighters are being encouraged to retain a personal herald to trumpet their talents, and heralds are being encouraged to prove their quick wits and ability to ad-glib.
MERCHANTS: The Marketplace Coordinator will be accepting applications for space through June 14th. The application is available at: http://brummbar.com/brummbar/merchant_coordinator/2006-Merchant_App.doc . Contact the Marketplace Coordinator, Lord Brummbar, at brummbar@consortiodedraconis.com if you have any questions.
CAMPING RESERVATIONS: Larger groups and those planning to attend in RVs are STRONGLY encouraged to reserve space as early as possible. The Camping Coordinator is THL Ceinan of House Kraken. Reservations can be e-mailed to her at JulyCoronationReservation@comcast.net .
HOURS: Site opens on NOON on Friday, July 14th and closes at 5:00 PM on Sunday, July 16th.
SITE LOCATION: Location will be Port Gamble on the same grounds that currently hold June Faire. The address is 1 View Way; Port Gamble, WA 98365.
SITE INFORMATION: Site is discretely wet. Pets are welcome, but owners must keep them controlled and clean up any pet treasures.
DIRECTIONS TO SITE: From Tacoma: Take I-5 North or South to HWY. 16 (Exit #132). Turn off onto HWY. 16 and travel it until it becomes HWY. 3 at Gorst. Stay on HWY. 3 North all the way towards the Hood Canal Bridge. At the bridge HWY. 3 turns into HWY. 104 (do not cross the bridge). Follow HWY. 104 to site (from the Hood Canal bridge, Port Gamble is approximately 1 mile). From the Edmonds / Kingston Ferry: Take HWY. 104 out of Kingston and follow to intersection where HWY. 104 turns right (North) towards the Hood Canal bridge (there is a Texaco located at this intersection). Turn right onto HWY. 104 and continue to site.
SITE FEES: Weekend: Adults (18+): $15 US ($20 Canadian); Youth (6-17): $7 US ($9 Canadian); Children 5 and under free; Family Cap: $44 US ($58 Canadian). Day-Trip: Adults (18+): $10 US ($15 Canadian); Youth (6-17): $4 US ($7 Canadian); Family Cap: $28 US ($44 Canadian). Non-Member Surcharge (NMS) of $3 US ($4 Canadian) is in affect. Please bring your Membership Cards in order to avoid paying this fee. Please make checks payable to “The Barony of Dragon’s Laire; SCA, Inc.” Pre-registration is encouraged and is available through June 14th. The pre-registration form is available from the event web-site.
EVENT WEB-SITE: Please check web-site for updates as the event draws near. http://home.comcast.net/~antirjulycoronationxli/
AUTOCRAT TEAM CHAIRMAN (TEAM HAGGIS): Master Arontius of Bygelswade (M. Aaron Rogers); 470 Bridle View Place NW; Bremerton, WA 98311-8917; (360)307-0526; E-Mail: Arontius@comcast.net (E-mail is preferred method of communication).
This page for event id 4074 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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