Hosted by
The Barony of Three Mountains (Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Penelope Viollet
Date: October 4 , 2014
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 4th 2014
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Milwaukie Odd Fellows Lodge
10282 SE Main Street
Milwaukee, OR 97222
Their Excellencies Three Mountains, Aedan and
Alexandria invite you to a day of
Help them honour Baron Alfric Rolfson and
select their next Arts & Sciences Champion.
The Three Mountains Arts & Sciences Championship will take
place during the day along with a variety of fun activities and
competitions. An
array of foods will be served throughout the
day. Bring your drinking vessel,
favorite beverages and enjoy the Smorgasbord
with friends and family.
Arts & Science
Greetings Barony!
As the current A&S Champion, I , Daphne Oirpata Fraser, hope to
inspire more contestants for this year’s Arts & Sciences
Championship tournament. The competition will occur during
the event honoring the amazing Master Alfric, a truly gifted
artisan himself. The challenge will be the presentation of 2 items,
of which one must be something useful (a bench, an item of
clothing, a tool, a weapon, etc). Documentation is required for
both entries. Vie for the glory
of being the Arts and Sciences Champion of the Barony of Three
Mountains. Competitors
planning to compete need to inform the Baron and Baroness and the
current Champion of their intent to enter and provide a description
of their entry by end of the evening on September 17th.
For those interesting in
competing in the Arts & Sciences championship, please contact
Dafne Oirpata Fraser for more details – daphnebd (at) aol dot com or a private message on
A fight practice is planned. If
there are enough participants and interest, a tournament will be
held with a prize provided to the winner.
Wordfame of the great carving
and woodworking of Baron Alfric has spread through the kingdom of
An Tir. Therefore, we challenge you, the artisans of the Barony and
surrounding lands, to bring forth your woodworking projects to be
displayed in his honor. In addition, a prize will be awarded to the
item with the highest number of votes from the populace. For
more information contact Carith
Michelle Seigel Wiseman, gribbit(at)gmail(dot)com or (360) 574-9745
no calls after 8:30pm
The Barony of Three Mountains holds a feast
every year to honor a citizen. This year we honor Baron Alfric
Rolfson. In addition to his contributions and efforts for our fair
Barony, he is a lover of the fermentation arts and is quite a
brewer himself. As a tribute to him, we will be holding a
brewing competition.
You can submit multiple entries into any of
the drink classes listed below.
Competition Classes &
Total score will be an average of all judges
scores. Drinks will be judged on the following:
IN ADDITION, all entrants will have the
opportunity to score up to 5 extra points to be added towards their
overall score for the ‘Best Overall’ award by
presenting a toast to His Excellency to be heard by all. The toast
will be provided after judging but before the closing court to be
Judges: We need judges for this
event. You don’t need to be a professional brewer or drinker,
but will need to be able to work within the judging standards to
help analyze the entries, and you can’t have an entry in the
class you are judging. Contact Sebastiaen des Roif you are
interested. We will need at least 3 judges or more per class.
Worried about driving home? Keep in mind that we taste, not
All entrants must comply with mundane as well
as SCA alcohol laws and policies.
Event Notes: The documentation that you
provide, along with the scorecards and photos of you and your
entries will be archived with the An Tir Brewer’s guild. This
is to help track your standing within the guild locally and across
the kingdom. Your recipes, notes and photos can be made available
for your word fame as well as to help other brewers/vintners to
improve their craft.
Competition Steward: HL Sebastiaen
“Sable” des Roseaux (David Hemmer) Contact Email:
jaltona73(at)yahoo(dot)com, or post a question on facebook to David
Honor Feast
Art & Science Championship Begins
Second Breakfast is Served
Begin –come play
Fight Practice / Tournament
Woodworking Display Contest Begins
Lunch is Served
2:00 pm
Brewing Competition Begins
Second Lunch is
3:30 pm
Court Begins
Games Close
Dinner Feast is Served
Dessert is Served
Tear Down and Cleanup
Go home and rest after a fantastic day
Schedule Subject to
Event Steward:
Penelope Viollet – 360-521-2798 or
Feast Steward:
Hlutwige Wolfkiller –
Site Fees: Adult (18 and
over) $20.00 – Members receive $5 discount with proof a
membership (i.e. minus NMS) – Includes food all
Youth 13-17
12 and under free
Make cheques payable to “Barony of Three
Mountains, SCA inc.”
Interested in helping contribute to
the event through service? Contact the Event Stewart Penelope
Viollet (360-521-2798 or
Event can be followed on Facebook – Event –
Honour Feast and Three Mountains Arts & Sciences
This page for event id 6239 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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