Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Hallbiorn Branson
Date: August 10 , 2007 until August, 12 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on August 10th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on August 12th 2007
Event site:
Dragon’s Sphere Recreation Park
100-57 Skinner Rd.
Randle, WA 98377
Honey War Has NOT been canceled!!!
Missing out on Pennsic? All WARn or would you like to work on your war skills? Come to The Honey War Grand Moot at Dragonsphere Recreational Park. There will be something for everyone! Activities will include:
Site opens at 10:00am for merchants and 1:00 for Populace on Friday August 10th and closes 5:00pm on Sunday August 12th.
Event schedule
10am Site opens for merchants
2pm Site opens for populace
Equestrian activities and Ithra class will be held throught the day-more info to follow!
9am Armor inspection begins, will continue after Court
10am Morning Court
11am War scenarios begin
Jon Erik Memorial Save the Sheep Battle
Open Field Battle
Capture the Flag Woods Battle
Zombie Battle
Bridge Battle
Boat Battle
Leper Battle
11am Rapier Tourney begins
War scenerios to follow
2pm Seige cooking ingredient presented
5pm Brewing championship judging
Seige cooking contest judging
6pm Evening Court
10am 5 Man Tourney
12pm Wacky Tacky Water War!
2pm Closing Court
Site fees: Camelot Productions Glymm Mere Total
Adults (18+) $12 $4 $16
Children (12-18) $6 $2 $8
$12 family cap for Glymm Mere fees
$3 NMS fee applies
See website for further information www.geocities.com/honeywargrandmoot/home.html
Autocrat: Hallbjorn Brandson honeywargrandmoot@yahoo.com
Co-Autocrat: Disa I Birkilundi themothersway@yahoo.com
Phone: (360) 915-6749 no calls after 8pm please!
Merchantcrat: Sylverstone the Traveler sylverstone@sylverstone.com
Equestrian Pre-registration: Macha the Determined macha@dragonsden.com
Merchant fees: Please contact out merchantcrat for further information
*Please be sure dogs are leashed and under your control at all times! This is a family event and children will be present!
**If you are bringing miniors that are not your children you MUST have a minior wavier, medical authorization form and a copy of the parents id. The forms are available on the Antir forms page at www.antir.sca.org.
This page for event id 4578 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has not completed its EIF form
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