Hosted by
The Shire of Druim Doineann (Port Angeles – Clallam & Jefferson counties, WA ) INACTIVE
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Morna Judithsdohtor
Date: February 9 , 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 9th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Camp Fire USA Clubhouse
619 E 4th St
Port Angeles, WA 98362
& Ivy X
Shire of Druim Doineann
February 9th, 2013
Camp Fire Clubhouse in Port Angeles, WA
Please include a card or sheet with ALL ingredients listed for your
potluck contributions.
Gate scheduled to open at 10am. (Unloading & set-up is
scheduled for 9am.) Dinner potluck/feast is scheduled
for 6pm.
Autocrat: Morna Judithsdohtor (Marnie Fiamengo) (2 R’s) 360-797-5055
Fees: Adults $15, Youth (7-17) $10, Children (6 &
younger) Free. $5 NMS applies. Make checks payable to
“Shire of Druim Doineann, SCA Inc.”
Information regarding competitions etc from coordinators…
A &
Althon here, It has been quite a bit of an honor and privilege to
represent the shire and alas, my time is coming to an end as their
champion. But one duty I have left unfinished and that is I
am humbly inviting you all to compete for the honor and privilege
to be Druim Doineann’s Arts and Science Champion!
The format in previous years was you submitted your A&S
proposal 3 months before hand and then you provide written
historical documentation on your piece, all fitting into a
theme. THAT IS NOT THIS YEARS FORMAT. I do respect
that, but I wanted to open the competition up to new, un-familiar
people of the A&S community and give them a chance to complete
and show their creations!
This will be a great opportunity for people who want to try out
No need to pre-register and wait for approval. Bring your
projects and show up. NO DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED, but we do
recommend it. The more you know about your piece, the
better. But, if your learning and want to understand how
A&S works, I implore you, submit an entry!
Now this years theme is: ENTERTAINMENT! It doesn’t matter
what is it as long and you can describe it in some for of
entertainment! The imagination and choices are limitless!
Swing what you bring, BUT you gotta have a mug!
It’ll be informal and promises to be “Sick & Twisted” – – run
by Ivan, so of course it will!
Either spoken
word or singing performances are welcome.
Other / non-competitive activities:
There will be an Embroidery
Project to ensue on-site, so bring your needles, threads, and
Daytime food & drink: coffee
&/or hot water, apple cider, vegetable soup, and fresh baked
bread will be available during the day.
Feast: The Shire will provide the
fowl = turkey.
Potluck contributions can be divided by modern names: A-H –
vegies/fruits; I-Q – breads; and R-Z cheeses & snacks…,
or just bring what you want.
Anyone may contribute desserts for the contest! The recipes do not
have to be period/perioid, just delicious.
Please include a card or sheet with all ingredients listed for all
your potluck and food contest
contributions! Thank you!
(Cards &/or lined note paper will be on-hand, but it is
best to do yours at home to be sure to include all the little
ingredients in the main ingredients…)
Camp Fire Clubhouse, 619 E. 4th Street, Port Angeles, WA
98362 Open from 9am to 9pm. Discreetly
damp. No flames inside.
This page for event id 5984 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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