Hosted by
The Shire of Druim Doineann (Port Angeles – Clallam & Jefferson counties, WA ) INACTIVE
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Careann MacFarlane
Date: October 15 , 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 15th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Camp Fire USA Clubhouse
619 E 4th St
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Shire of Druim Doineann’s
Harvest Feast Tournament &
All are invited to the
wilds of Druim Doineann to attend a day of frivolity and
murder. The day starts
with happenings to entertain a diverse crowd including a
sewing/craft circle, a bazaar, and games galore! A Toys for Tots charity
tournament will be held mid-afternoon so fighters will have plenty
of time to shower and beautify themselves for the potluck feast to
follow. During the
feast, all who wish to participate will utilize their best
detective skills to discover who dunnit.
Space will be provided
for all gentle arts & sciences projects. Bring your current project to
work on and share in this informal format.
Game stations will be set
up with period dice, token and card games. Bring a change of
clothes and a sense of humor to participate in the outdoor team
sport of Dwyle Flonking.
The Shire has decided to
reduce excess and will be holding items up for sale to include
garb, pavilion material, and more! Limited space is available for
personal blanket sales. Contact either autocrat to
reserve your space now!
The Shire will host a
Toys for Tots Tournament for heavy fighters. Participants bring a new,
unwrapped toy for donation as “entry fee” and bash
away! Tournament style
will depend on number of participants. Tounament will start at 1:00
Locker room/shower
facilities will be made available to fighters by Clallam County
YMCA at no cost (donations accepted).
As guests gather for the
feast, main characters for the evening’s mayhem will be
introduced. Please
note this is not a play; preregistered volunteers will be given
character descriptions and backgrounds prior to event day with
further information provided during the frivolities. The potluck offering will be
served in courses with plenty of time for sleuthing, extortion, and
alliance-making between removes.
We will be holding
competitions during the feast to include Best Period Table Decor
and Most Decadent Dessert. Winner of the Most Decadent
Dessert will be chosen by the populace, so bring plenty to share if
Individuals participating
in the murder mystery will submit their choice of guilty
party. A prize will be
given to a random individual selected from contestants that
correctly solve the murder.
This discretely wet
site adheres to mundane laws. No open flames (e.g. candles)
or smoking allowed inside the feast hall.
Site Fees (NMS applies):
At the door
Family Cap
Adult (18+) $15.00
Youth (6-17) $10.00
Child (5 & under) free
Please make
checks or money order payable to:
Shire of Druim Doineann,
SCA Inc.
Please direct questions
and comments to:
Lady Eriu
(360) 670-2682
Lady Careann
(360) 417-5089
This page for event id 5573 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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