Hosted by
The Barony of Vulcanfeldt (Yakima County, WA)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ashley Longbow
Date: July 14 , 2007 until July, 15 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 14th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 15th 2007
Event site:
Franklin Park
2105 Tieton Drive
Yakima, WA 98902
Their Excellencies Rolf and Ashley Longbow and the populace of Vulcanfeldt invite you to the silver anniversary of the Folklife Festival. Vulcanfeldt will once again recreate its medieval village July 14-15. The Heavy Prize Tourney will be held on Saturday (Prize: rattan sword with basket hilt donated by Thegn Sir Rolf Longbow) where the winner will crown his lady the Queen of Love and Beauty and be invited to sit at the high table during the feast. In addition, the Rapier Prize Tourney will be held on Sunday (Prize: main gauche style guard donated by Thegn Sir Rolf Longbow). Please bring your arts and sciences projects to display as well as a contribution to a potluck feast. As always, there is no site fee for this event, and please remember, no parking on the grass. This is our annual demo, so please dress in your finest attire to showcase the society's talents. The site opens at 10:00AM Saturday/ 11:00AM Sunday and can be found at the Yakima Valley Museum and Franklin Park, 2105 Tieton Drive, Yakima, WA.
Autocrats: Thegn Sir Rolf Longbow and Her Ladyship Berengaria Longbow (Jim and Bridget Pechtel), Phone (509) 248-9504, Email:
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