Hosted by
The Barony of Vulcanfeldt (Yakima County, WA)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ashley Longbow
Date: July 8 , 2006 until July, 9 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 8th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 9th 2006
Event site:
Franklin Park
2105 Tieton Drive
Yakima, WA 98902
The Barony of Vulkanfeldt invites you to join us for our annual demo at the Yakima Folklife Festival, July 8-9. We will again recreate our medieval village displaying your many arts and sciences. As in the past there will be fighting (heavy and rapier) both days with this year both being prize tournaments. The Heavy Prize Tournament will be Saturday (Prize: Helmet made by Thegn Sir Rolf) and the Rapier Prize Tournament on Sunday. Site opens at 10:00 AM Saturday/11:00 AM Sunday. There will be demonstrations, displays, fighting throughout the day, and potluck feast Saturday evening. There is no site fee for this event. Site: Yakima Valley Museum and Franklin Park, 2105 Tieton Drive, Yakima, WA Autocrats: Thegn Sir Rolf Longbow & Baroness Ashley Longbow (Jim and Shirley Pechtel), Phone: (509) 248-9504, Email:
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