Festival of the Red Lanterns


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Nora of Dregate
Date: February 16 , 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 16th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Okanogan County Fairgrounds- Agriplex Annex
175 Rodeo Trail Rd. Okanogan, WA 98840

A Missive of Red Lantern

Festival of the Red Lanterns Shire of Dregate

February 16, 2013 Okanogan, WA

‘Tis the Year of the Water Snake and the Shire of Dregate
again celebrates with the Festival of Red Lanterns. Companion Oso
has cornered some of the finest cooks on the steppes, and will be
offering you a splendid meal in the nomad tradition.

There will be a bardic competition with a WONDEROUS prize and a
silent auction. Please visit www.dregate.com and the Shire Dregate
Facebook page for further developments. A pre-registration discount
is in effect until January 21. Reservations received after that
date and payments at the door will be at the full amount.

Reservations: HL Ælfwynn Spearheafoces dohtor (Sharron
Arbuckle), 31 Pogue Rd., Okanogan, WA 98840, email: sarbuckle@gmail.com, phone: 509-826-2409.

Autocrat: Nora of Dregate (Nora Waller). PO Box 1504, Okanogan,
WA 98840, email: nora_waller@live.com,  509-429-4566.


Pre-registration: $12 adults ($5 nms applies), $6 youth 7
– 18, 6 and under free. Family cap $36. After January 27 and
at the door: $15  adults ($5 nms applies), $7 youth, 6 and
under free. Family cap $44. Make checks payable to Shire of
Dregate, SCA Inc.

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